Friday, April 1, 2011

chad a everson on Performances

Beware, he is in his element with his "meetings." He deserved an Oscar for his performances in Byron and Starke. Be prepared for a great show.

If you are not with him, then you're a "nut" and a troublemaker who is lost.

If you want to take care of this, confront this megalomaniac in this service. Stand up to him, and if anyone puts their hands on you, press charges. Call the local paper, call the local Sheriff's office if you have to, but by God, make a stand.

ENOUGH Trinity, stop being bullied by this coward and his brainwashed minions. Take back what God entrusted you with, HIS CHURCH.


Anonymous said...

Folks I warned you long ago that a storm was brewing. Many people have seen this and have wised up. Chad has even listed Trinity Baptist as a calvinist church. This is against everything that as Baptist we have stood for. I beg you please open your eyes and ears up and search for the Truth. AS christians we are supposed to be known by our fruits. What fruits has Chad shown? Nothing that resembles the Holy Spirit or Christ. If the people of Trinity do not change their ways and get rid of Chad, than they should expect the Same Judgement that Chad is going to receive.... God's Wrath. Still praising Him in this Storm F.S.M.

Anonymous said...

just for those who want proof. Former Staff Member. Ps. Now I know why Brian Wright left

Dr Who said...

If he does have this meeting, some one had better confront this man even as his "Gestapo" disciples stand guard. YOU MUST confront and take a stand against this Pharisee like Billy did it in Fla concerning Chad, Doug did it in GA against Mike and his disciples, and like Tom did in Jacksonville against the Everson's buddy - Mac Brunson.

These discipled men throughout the congregation will wait and LOOK so they can see IF someone does not stand and WHO does not stand when he gets the standing ovation.

They do this so they can get some direction on who the"troublemakers or NUTS" are then write it down in their little black book.

And if you don't think so.....wait and see.

One piece of advice - have someone record the service (both audio and Video )

It is almost "Lights, Camera, Action" - remember it is "showtime"
and he knows how to "perform" and what to say and when to say it.

He will be on his best behavior - guaranteed.

Now, who will be the one to "Stand up Stand up for Jesus - Yeah soldiers of the Cross?"

Who will be the next Billy, Doug, or Tom?

X CULTS X said...

Oh yeah, there will be lots of heads turning around and looking up and down those isles to see who the enemy is.

Those rah-rah pep rallies in support of the CULT leader is a common occurrence among the Calvinist and 9Marks folks.

Seniors and Children ministries are pushed along with all kinds of " CULT " programs are pushed.

Remember, they are trained and certified " 9Marks-men"


Anonymous said...

All the staff who fled knew what was going to happen. Brian, Rod they knew. They also knew that it would be wrong to stay and follow this evil man. Many deacons left because they saw the writing on the wall.

Please, please, please, if you are a member who has left please come back tomorrow night. He needs to know that there are so many who are not with him. We can stand up and demand answers. If he walks out or acts the foolish way he has in the past it will show others who he really is. This could be our last chance. Please?

Golfer said...

Do not depend on others to do something you may need have to do by yourself.

If you're the lone one to take a stance, you are called a leader.

Leaders lead.

It might be you who has to "stand up for Jesus" and say "NO MORE" like the others had to in the past.

Pray about the situation. Pray for Discernment and Guidance. It the will make sense and it will GOD inspired.

Now go as Queen Ester did and expose before anyone else gets hurt.

Hopeful said...

This morning at another local church I heard a message that is all about Trinity, not knowing he did. In Daniel there were three men named well Rack, Shack, and Benny. I will use these names because I could not spell the others. These men stood up against a king and his followers who wanted them to bow down before a statue of the king. These young men were thrown into the fire. I know we all feel like we have been thrown into the fire and maybe we have but God is with us. Carnal people will sit back and bow down to king Chad and do nothing. Chad is an evil man who came in and ran off all the real people of faith. Now the people left are the ones who will just do anything to fit in. They don't believe God will be with them in the fire they just sit back and compromise. the Courageous will stand up and call Satan's (Chad's) bluff. He will panic if anyone stands up to him. He will send in the security forces. But we have to understand Coward's panic under fire.

It was so good to see many friends this morning even one of the PSC members was there. Chad your kingdom is losing. I pray for courage tonight and I know others will be ready as well. We are not stupid and you will be fooled as well if you think the 9 marks people will bail you out. Dear people please stand up and God will be with us.

Smokey said...

You were warned.

The writing was on the wall. The Internet was full of truths and Trinity membership ignored them. You were told this man was fleeing because of turmoil - and in the middle of a firestorm concerning of one of HIS hired staff members for proven sexual transgressions against a youth within HIS church.

Now, if no one stands up against this man and demands his termination or resignation tonight - he is yours.

Good luck with the Ringmaster and his version of the Greatest Show on Earth.

Anonymous said...

About 250 people in attendance. Staff or Elders behind him on the stage. What is sad is we used to have over 650 people on Sunday nights B.C.+(Before Chad) He swore that he was not a Calvinist. He said 9 marks was nothing to worry about it is something that ALL the Baptist believe. He danced around all questions. Answering very few questions. It was all smoke and no fire. It was as big of a joke as Chad is.

Anonymous said...

Chad is correct he is not a Calvinist as set forth by John Calvin. Chad is Hyper Calvinist. Also I contacted someone last night from the Mid America. I asked if the 9 Marks was something that the Southern Baptist were promoting or were already doing and the answer was NO! This very highly respected man said it is the force destroying the Baptist churches. Those of us who know know our history know that Martin Luther King was a man who fought for equality. He was a Godly man who wanted to see everyone treated the same. If he were here now he would be so appalled by the way people are acting in his name. The same for John Calvin. He was a Godly man who wanted change in the churches. Much of what we as Baptist believe came from his direction. He too would be appalled by what these people are doing in his name. Chad is a liar and stood up and did it in Trinity's pulpit. Our staff stood behind him knowing he was lying. They ALL must go. They just stood by and said nothing because they are weak and do not trust God. Chad can't just fire them. Chad also knows that if one of them stepped up then his days would be history. Chad is a false prophet and one day he will face the wrath of God and so will the men who knew what was going on and did nothing.

Anonymous said...

I went back last night for the show. It was very confusing. He did not really answer anything I left there wondering what the point was. There were a lot of old faces that had left but were still members. I think Chad was scared someone was going to say something. I spoke with a man last night who has always stood behind the pastors at Trinity. He is a well respected man and I will not post his name. I know Chad is wrong because this man said things about what Chad is doing that I never thought he would ever say. Mr. H. please stand up??????

Anonymous said...

It speaks volumes when so few show up for a meeting that Chad describes as (and I quote):

"The second reason I am so excited, is that Sunday night we will have one of the most unique services we have ever had at Trinity".

Where were the adoring masses?

Sounds like the followers are getting bored with all these exciting, "unique" meetings that are nothing more than Chad flexing his tyrannical leadership muscles.

He's a joke and a corny one at that.

It's leadership abuse, folks! Flee!! and don't look back.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing he can do to save face with us. Doomed is all he and his wife are.

Anonymous said...

So, who stood up and said anything?
Who was the Billy for Trinity? Anyone?

If not, why not?

What more proof do you need that this man is self possessed - self motivated?

If your not going to deal with him and you continue to allow him to do as he pleases with your church, you all need to stop posting and go away.

He is doing the same thing he done to his other churches - As Chad says....Guys, listen - blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.

Anonymous said...

We must FIRE him to stop him from doing this to another church!!

Anonymous said...

Chad, Chad, Chad … we find it very strange how you claim you are not Calvinist but all the preachers, pastors, evangelist, and authors you so proudly endorse are all CALVINIST. Something smells funny with your story but you are not fooling anybody. You are also one of them so just tell the TRUTH for a change. Take your 9Marks and Calvinist views somewhere else.

Unknown said...

The truth is not in the Man...Take some drastic measures..

Have a "Secret meeting"away from the church vote the "LIAR"out.

Put him under a peace "Bond". Change the code on the "Key PAD"...Lets take our Church back.

Have him arrested if he returns to our "PROPERTY".

It is time to get "TOUGH"!!!

Anonymous said...

Were you not there? He admitted to being a 5 point Calvinist! He went through all 5 points and gave his reasoning behind each one!

Anonymous said...

The question is not ,is he a calvinist,it is "Do you want Trinity Baptist Church to be a calvinist church?" Johnny O'Daniel stated, "So you are not a calvinist" Johnny get the wax out of your ears.{Johnny was asking the questions to the staff Sunday night in the meeting.Jim Brown was next to him agreeing.

Anonymous said...

I was not there but wait, 4/3 10:32pm stated we swore he was not a Calvinist. But 4/5 12:41am says that he admitted it and gave reasons for all 5. Which is true? If he really did admit and gave reasons, I am shocked that none of these strong Southern Baptist posting on this blog didn't stood-up to opposed and objected to his speech. Nobody stopped him ... really? If so then you get what you get and are buying what he is selling. So what really happened Sunday night? Confused

Anonymous said...

Johnny O'Daniel stated"So you are not a calinist" He was the one asking the questions. We know He is ,the question, "Do you want Trinity Baptist Church to be a calvinist church?

Anonymous said...

What REALLY HAPPENED Sunday night was confusing. Chad sis say he was not a Calvinist but then said that the 9 Marks stuff was what all the Baptist were going to. Maybe someone else can give what they got out of it. He really did not give clear answers and sounded like a politician trying to get the votes. I know that if the meeting was such a success then would he have not bragged about it? He didn't he talked about family devotion time.

Anonymous said...

1:26 So what were the answers?? Johnnie knows better. His own kids and their families won't attend Trinity anymore.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what meeting some of you were at but Chad went through the 5 points of calvanism (Total Deparvity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible grace, and persaverence of the saints and told how he believed in each one. Geez, the issue is not if Chad is or is not a 5 point calvanist. He is beyond a shadow of the doubt as well as all the staff that he has hired. Either you agree with this theology or you don't. Truthfully, it would probably be OK if he was a 5 pointer as long as he was not a hyper-calvanit which I believe he is. That is the real issue here. I am not sure if the deacons at Trinity even know what calvanism means. I certainly know the young ones that Chad has hand picked the last two years don't have a clue which is why he picked them.

Anonymous said...

It shows us how impressed Chad was with the meeting. He did not even brag about it on the web site. Chad is a joke and so are the members of the deacons are. Many of them are not happy with Trinity's direction right now and all they have to do is stand up and most of the church will be behind you. Most of the younger members are clueless. I see much of what John Calvin has said and believed was right on but it is what these wacked out people have made it that is so wrong.

Anonymous said...

Choice for tonight LaBelle closed due to power outage so stay home or go to Trinity.... NO BRAINIER Stay home I will get more out of the evening.

Anonymous said...

WOW Family worship time part 2. Still nothing about the sad excuse for a meeting Sunday night.

Anonymous said...

Chad is at it again. Two senior ladies talking between themselves and Jon sticks in his nose and runs and tattletales to Chad. Now he wants to bully. WOW Chad you sure are brave to senior adult ladies why not stand up and talk to the rest of us the same. We are not afraid of you and don't go after these ladies. They said nothing but like you friends can see other friends post on facebook. Yes someone else saw it. Keep your nose out of others business.

Anonymous said...

Like this should surprise any of us. He has bullied since he came. First senior adults he claimed were troublemakers. Then the choir officers who were the worst troublemakers in the church. Most of them you ran off. Then deacons and Sunday School teachers. Your tattletale wife would go into these classes and text you the whole time (RUDE) Within two weeks you had them replaced. In choir she would come in and text (RUDE) about who she said were problems. Then came Matt Waddell the head of the PSC who was so tight lipped about the mistake that he made in you even being here. Let's just remember you called him "The BIGGEST TROUBLEMAKER" in the church and that he was a "BACK STABBING LIAR" Oh my! Let's not forget the poor man who fell in the choir loft and Chad turned his back on him. The cleaning ladies, more deacons, and the staff who he has bullied so much that they are afraid for their paychecks.

Him and Jon going after two more does not even shock me. Jon will do whatever he has to to keep his job. He does not have the experience to even have his job and soon will be looking for a new job. Chad will be gone soon and so will all the jokes for staff we have. Bubba and Brad are awesome but they are Chad's yes men and will have to be gone too. Let me not even get started on John Miller or Greg Stringfield. PLEASE??

Anonymous said...

I did not see the post on facebook but were told about it from someone who saw it. It has been removed now. I hope Chad is gone soon. I just don't like him and don't think he likes us. I don't think he ever has. I have tried to befriend his wife but she is just creepy and acts like a battered wife.

Anonymous said...

Chad must have been an abused child that is how most abusers start. You never hear anything about his mother. He learned his bulling ways somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Master Chad short sold his house in Florida. So he will say anything to keep his job. His credit is probably shot for a while. Behind the scenes he is he is just a scared little boy.
The question to ask is.Would any of the churches have him back? And if the answer is NO. I think that would tell you a lot about the man.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if TBC paid his notes direct for the house in Florida or if Chad just kept the money. He is now buying a house on a golf course. I guess that is another sign, If it were God's will the house would have sold. Think about it. When it is His will he always works everything out. Chad came here and doubled his pay. No excuses.

Matt said...

Chad's ministry will soon end. Some men think they are called by God to lead a church, but aren't cut out for it. If you were actually called you would actually make a church thrive, and have numerous decisions each Sunday. The Holy Spirit would be doing amazing work through you. Picking up a check for bringing a church down isn't the Holy Spirit at work. It is Satan. Chad makes excuses and says its impossible to bring multiple people to Christ with any give message. Get over it Chad, you weren't called to be a pastor. You think that just because you can stand up in front of a crowd and scream scripture, and crack a few jokes, that you are a preacher. Jerry Seinfeld could do that. Maybe you should try amateur night at the comedy club.

Anonymous said...

I was a former member of PMBC in Douglasville under the former pastor Mike Everson. I also had the opportunity to listen to Chad speaking at numberous Pastor Conferences and revivals at the church and other churches. No Chad was not very interesting to listen to, I was there in the service of my Lord. I remember feeling very sorry for the people in his flock because of how he downgraded them and said he wished his church was as "spirit filled" as ours or the church we were in. As I was reading the comments and saw the one about Chad preaching about Calvanism "(Total Deparvity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible grace, and persaverence of the saints and told how he believed in each one...." I just couldnt believe how simalar this is to the sermon his dad preached one Sunday about 6 years ago.

My comment is this. When I was growing up in church, our pastor prayed for hours and hours on end for the Lord to lead him on the message. God stayed current and spoke through our pastor every week. Many times, the pastor would tell us that he thought God wanted to him preach on a topic, but then at the pulpit lead him in a different direction. On those days, people were saved and the spirit moved and peoples lives were changed. God always had the roadmap and all we as disciples had to do was follow that map.

I don't see where the spirit is speaking through Chad or any Everson. They are doing nothing more than reading a prepared speach over and over and over and over. When was the last time Chad got alone with God and actually had a message placed in his heart? Where is Chad's Roadmap, because somewhere along the way, God has taking the annointing off of him, if he ever had it.

Anonymous said...

wow! What golf course? It's good to be the king. While others are hurting others are moving on up. Maybe that's why he has been begging us to give. Green fee's and balls can be expensive. He must feel secure if he is buying another house.

Anonymous said...

I don't know how secure he feels now but I am sure the liar is lining up another poor group of people that will pay his note when he moves on to destroy them. He is sick and I don't even think that if Bro Jim came back, as good as he is at listening to God and growing them he could even help. Trinity is doomed. Thanks Chad!! We want another business meeting soon. There are several of men ready to stand up.

Anonymous said...

Church is so low and everyone afraid to say anything unless it is just how much we love Chad. Michelle attacked another family a few weeks ago about how they should follow leadership and think about homeschooling. When she said no then she was told that she needed to search her heart. If her family was not worth her quitting her job and homeschooling then she "May Not Be Saved". When will this madness stop? There is one family here at church they have 6 kids and she quit her job(like Michelle told her to do) and is homeschooling all but 1 of them. She is not able to keep them clean and now Michelle wants her to teach them. There has to be a law that Michelle has broken like contributing to the stupidity of children. These two people are just crazy.

Jon said...

"She is not able to keep them clean and now Michelle wants her to teach them."

That is a ridiculous statement for you to make. Who are you to say such ugly things about her in a public setting, and then won't even put your name! If you are so offended by her children's appearance, then why don't you offer to help her?? We all know who you are talking about, so if you are going to call her out, at least put your name!! Coward!

TBC Member and still going said...

Oh Jon you are so sure who that person was talking about then why don't you who is a leader of hers and your wife who is a woman's leader and some of the ladies in church help her instead of placing more on her like homeschooling. I can't understand we have great schools here in DeSoto county with many Christians teaching our children. We also have many Christian people in our church who are teachers in the school system. What do you think Michele and Chad are saying about them. Sometimes we all have to be careful in what what we promote. This was maybe not a good idea for whoever this lady is. Oh yes and I am so glad you keep looking at this site. You must believe it too.

Anonymous said...

......."Michelle attacked another family a few weeks ago about how they should follow leadership and think about homeschooling. When she said no then she was told that she needed to search her heart. If her family was not worth her quitting her job and homeschooling then she "May Not Be Saved".......

This is just another play out of the Everson Play Book. Almost word for word. We had families 6 years ago fall for this lie. They lost everything and had to go back to work to make ends meet. It was not because she was not saved, because this person was indeed and showed it outwardly. The family was stressed to the breaking point. Then God stepped in, removed Mike Everson, and both the husband and wife found work and got their home back in order and are back in the service of the Lord, Happy and secure. The kids are excelling in school and have time for extra activities after school. They are being raised to be productive members of society and waiving the flag of Christ in thier lives.

Folks...Please listent to this. The best predictor of a persons future behavior should be based on their prior behaivor. This plan that the Everson try to sell Leads to Broken Homes, Families, Friends, and Churches. God is not in this. Seperate yourselves from this and find your own way. God will be there with. Do not continue to buy into his lies. The Eversons have set back churchs decades and left them in shambles. They are men of evil and any who follow will be destroyed. Good men know when to step down. In the case of the Eversons's, God is taking these men down. Do yourself a favor and get out of HIS way. Do not be brainwashed by these evil men. Yes they are articulate and it sounds good. But God did not annoint them and God is not in this. God will however rebuild his chruch, but the cancer must be cut out. Any Everson in a chruch is a Cancer to that Church. An Everson Agenda has one goal- Get the Money and Wreck the Homes and When the Money is Gone and the Homes are Wrecked---Move on and find more Money. They are not doing the work of our Lord. They are doing the Work of the Everson. They look at themselves as Crime Bosses and Mike Everson is the Godfather.

Do yourself a favor and run this criminal off. He is stealing from God and the Church. Chad needs to find himself a real job, in the real world. He has removed himself from the realitiy that people face in thier lives day in and day out. Until he understands what we as Christians do outside the church, he will never understand what we do inside the church and how he can pastor and help. He is a wolf in sheeps clothing. I would go short of saying he is Demonic, even though his actions are demonic. Run this guy off. Find men of honor and strength within your church to lead. God will fill the other needs. But give God a clean slate to work with. Not a Cancer and a bunch of linch men at his side.

Ask this question" Would Chad work for 1.00 per week? His answer would be yes unless he knew he wouldnt have to. Hold back his check. Let him repent and be humble, then humbly ask him to leave with love in your heart.

He is a leach on your church and is sucking the life out you. Cut it off.

Be Strong in Lord and in The Power of his Might. God defeated the Egyptions quite easily. I doubt he will have too much trouble with Chad. The man is Exposed.

Anonymous said...

To 9:01 That was so well put.

Tonight another meeting at Trinity. I counted somewhere between 240 and 260 people in attendance. Here was a business meeting to discuss the money worries. The finance committee is worried. It took them long enough. Chad was not happy at this meeting. He danced around the questions. He was not very happy because people were not in his favor. He did not receive many applauds. The committee said that the staff had already taken a 3% pay cut. I was appalled. Chad makes $150,000.00 per year with all his package and that meant he took a $4500.00 a year or $375.00 per month pay cut. My electric bill is that much. They also said they may have to go up to a 6% cut. They will not understand that in our worst days with NO pastor our giving was never this low. We have lost hundreds of members and now 2 years (ONLY 2 YEARS) later we are in so much trouble. The sad part is Chad still seems to think he could not be at fault. He still claims that the church is fine.

Now next week Chad is asking for a sacrificial giving. This is what he did last year. Remember when he told us not to buy a new house (then he did) Not to go on vacation (he has gone on 2 cruises and a couple of family trips) Not to go out to eat and you see him at restaurants all over the place. He probably is using the churches credit cards. This man needs a reality check and must see this is all his fault.

He has not said where the fee came from that was paid to the 9 Marks people. According to their site you must pay them to have them promote your church. If Chad took it upon himself to change us and pay this fee I hope he has his personal canceled check to show he paid it himself. If not he better repay the church. As a member can we not ask and demand an audit be made. On money and members as well. Chad has been removing names for two years now and that is not part of our by-laws.

Chad your world is crumbling soon it will be another for sale sign and a farewell pot luck.

Anonymous said...

Give me a break!!! You guys really need to quit this malicious site! If you are doing this in the name of Christ, He is not pleased I assure you. I rarely get on this site bc it is just down right wrong but occ I read and it is just garbage. You are seriously wasting energy that could be used to reach people. If you keep your eyes on Christ somehow all this junk wouldn't matter. The truth is being preached and people are being ministered to! Get busy doing ministry instead of sitting back and running your mouth and getting in others people business. If someone chooses to homeschool it is their business, I have NEVER felt pressure from Michele to homeschool nor EVER even heard her mention it to anyone. Besides Jeff Summers kids go to school, I dare say that they are against everyone that sends there kids to school. There is a small group of homeschoolers at the church, the majority are in school. You people complaining, if you are not part of our church anymore then please move on and continue to serve Christ where you are. This is not benefiting anyone and has to be consuming your life and making your life miserable. Believe me I have held onto hate before and it will destroy you. If you are at a church where Chad use to be them you should be happy now bc you didn't want him there and now he is not. We love all of our staff and the church is doing good despite what is said on here.

Matt said...

Wasn't it so refreshing when Chad's response to him leaving was "I know half of you will go home and praise the Lord, and the other half may go home and take cyanide, but I'm not leaving". Who says he doesn't have love and compassion for his flock?

Anonymous said...

How Dare Chad say that!

#1 Not even half are happy or even a little joyous about him staying. Most could care less at this point.

#2 Why would he even say that he is worth killing yourself over? Please?
Chad will be leaving soon this I know.

How can any man who claims to be of God even say something so sinful? But it is everyone else who is evil ? He can't control the real man anymore. His meanness is coming out every time he opens his mouth.

Personnel and Finance committees you all have after that comment reason to FIRE him.

That comment reminds me of a dumb comment from Ben Mayfield. The Staff and Deacons ran him out of the church. REMEMBER Jimmy Hughes? REMEMBER Greg Stringfield? I think he just told all of us that are not happy with him to go home and DIE. I think that is a threat and so he has to leave. Set the example and lead the way. He has to be held to the same standard. If you threaten the people you have crossed the line.

If Matt had said this about Chad you would have had him arrested for threats and would have kicked him out of the church. Well so should Chad be!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I thought that was what he said but then again I thought that I must have misunderstood him. I guess I didn't. He really must go. If we fire him then maybe it will stop him from doing this to another church.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a Man of god to me. I spelled it with a little g because I meant little god like of this world or of Chad. He is No man of God.

Anonymous said...

Matthew 18 is quoted quite often at Trinity. However, there are more great words of wisdom in that precious book, e.g.:

Matthew 7:15-20 (direct quote from Jesus)

15) "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves."
16) "You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles?"
17) "Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit."
18) "A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit."
19) "Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire."
20) "Therefore by their fruits you will know them."

Fruits, people, they are your guideline.

Anonymous said...

In reply April 10, 2011 11:47 pm, who claims:

"We love all of our staff and the church is doing good despite what is said on here."

Dear one, there is none so blind as he who will not see! A church that is "doing good" is not in the turmoil that Trinity is, does not lose long time members by the dozens, does not split families and does not create an atmosphere of tension, mistrust and hurt.

Love walked out the door when Chad walked in and if you don't see that, feel that, and know that....then you must be one of the "chosen few" that he has picked for his inner circle.

All tyrants collect a small group around them, feed on their need to feel important in the "me and you against the world" game, set them up as his protectors, then use them until they are used up or speak up, then they are discarded like yesterday's garbage.

Open your eyes...go visit another church one Sunday and see if you feel the same oppression. It's not normal!!

This site does sometimes spill over into negativity, but you are reading the frustrations that have built for 2 over two years with no way to be heard. There is no forum for getting answers at Trinity. Chad holds meetings (nothing more than shows of his own power)in which no one is allowed to speak, you are made to submit written questions, and he picks and chooses to answer or not. You have a tyrant dictator, not a loving pastor.

Those who are at Trinity never wanted their church to be as it is today...floudering, in financial trouble and controversial.

Those who have left did not want to leave...they had to for their own spiritual health. Trinity is not what a church was meant to be. Churches are supposed to reflect the body of Christ...a relationship between a shepherd and his flock.

No shepherd ever encourages his sheep to spy on each other, rip each other apart, and he certainly never tells one to "get lost". The sheep follow because they trust the shepherd...because they know he will protect them. Love and protection don't exist at Trinity. It's dog eat dog and no one really trusts anyone.

Just look at the empty pews and empty choir seats that were once filled with people happy to be here worshipping the Lord. Have you ever changed churches? It's a painful thing! No one would do that willingly. If those people had seen a glimmer of hope that they could join together with Chad to solve issues, they wouldn't be gone.

You are dealing with a stubborn, obstinent, arrogant, "my way or the highway" kind of guy and that will not change. He has made that abundantly clear. He preaches the Word, but he doesn't reflect it in the way he treats people. You will only see if you ever disagree with him. He'll kick you to the curb, too.

Trinity is Church Destruction #3 in the trail of destruction.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thank you 11:53

After Chad had been here for only 5 months I knew something was wrong. I had see 2 staff members 1 I never thought would leave go to other churches. I started to hear people not being happy and seeing fewer people each week. I googled his name and found this site. As I read and talked to people from his past churches I realized we were in big trouble. I had people mostly ladies who had gone into meetings with Chad thinking positive who came out devastated over the way he spoke to them. Yes it was second hand but all stories were the same. I understand that you think you are oh so perfect and so is Chad but you are blind. I understand that you like me wanted Trinity to become a strong healthy church again, but she is not. All the money problems here and the attitude problem here came from Chad. Facts are Facts and most of the church is NOT behind Chad and if we had another vote today Chad would be in the unemployment office. Chad is just a very bad apple grown from very bad seeds. His son's will be the same if Chad does not change his heart. I will not say that he does not preach from the Bible but it is his interpretation of it that is wrong. Pray! Fast! I did and God showed me. Do the same unless you are afraid that you will really see the truth.

Anonymous said...

Just for the record I have been a member of 3 other churches in my life that were nothing short of country clubs and had no accountability. Paul warned Timothy about this in his letters. In the last days people would turn from the truth only to hear what their itching ears wanted to hear. God will continue to bless those who stand for the truth. Paul urged Timothy to continue no matter what in the truth and that is what I pray Bro Chad does and I know he will! They thought Paul was crazy too but he continued to fight for truth. Read in first Timothy where Paul threw 2 people out of the church bc they turned from the truth. The church has become watered down and that's what is wrong, now the truth is being preached and it's different from the way we always done things so it causes turmoil. Christ will either return or with my dying breath I will see Him face to face and I pray he finds me faithful not tearing down pastors on blogs. Like it or not your are part of the problem if you are continually stirring the pot of division in God's church either by running your mouth or blogging. When we came to Trinity I was thrilled bc I finally felt that I had found a church more concerned with the Truth then what the world said the church should be. Search the scriptures and see what a church really is. American Christians are weak and worldly. I thank God for a staff that is united standing on truth no matter the cost! The Bible also says your own family would hate you so why are we surprised that even our church family would turn on the truth. We are nit concerned with numbers or figures our God can take care of those things. My concern is that the Gospel be taken to all people everywhere and that He would use me as part of His glorious plan. I have said what I feel and know in my heart is the Truth. I am not apart of a cult or in the inner circle, by the way THERE ISN'T ONE, I am plainly a Christian trying to serve Christ in this messed up world and make a difference. I truly believe that some of you have taken what someone else has said as truth and let your mind run wild with itself. Been there done that got the Tshirt. I pray that the Lord will open your eyes so that this will stop and you can stand with a clear consceince before Him.

A Blogger said...

Jeremiah 5:30-31

"An astonishing and horrible thing has been committed in the land: the prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests rule by their own power; and My people love to have it so. But what will you do in the end?"

In these verses God is bringing an indictment against the religious leaders of the Old Testament. You see the Lord's anger expressed against those who operate in their own authority. Consumed with their own ambition, those leaders have convinced the people that their power is divine. Yet in reality, those false prophets are merely wielding their self-imposed influence for personal gain, claiming they speak for God.

People of Trinity, you need to pray and seek GODS wisdom. The Everson's and their disciples are few, but you are many.

Take your church back. You were warned in the beginning but refused to act - now act ! Fire the man.

Someone has to get the backbone like the men who stood for their church in Ga and Fl and confront him and remove him. He is doing the same thing his dad has done and will take the church down as far as you allow.

Otherwise, if you are sitting under this man in this church, you too are a CULT follower.

His deacons are weak minded otherwise they would see his personal power march and stop him!

In Jeremiah 6:13-14 You can read of self-absorbed prophets and priests who are so preoccupied with their own needs being met that the needs of the people are being ignored......
"From the least of them even to the greatest of them, everyone is greedy for gain, and from the prophet even to the priest everyone deals falsely. And they have healed the brokenness of My people superficially, saying, 'Peace, peace,' but there is no peace"

A common characteristic of an abusive religious system is that the real needs of the people are lost in the never-ending quest by the leaders for personal fulfillment and happiness.

Trinty, there you have it. This man would already be gone if another church would have him or his daddy could get him a job where many of the deceptive go and die. Those "conventions" jobs are high dollars and I guarantee you, he is seeking one.

And oh yeah, when he says he wants 6 months severance pay to leave...laugh and say NO!

Anonymous said...

I am truly sadden with what is happening to Trinity. I have been a member of TBC for over 15 years now. I can't believe that my children will not grow up in the church I was once so proud to be a member of. I have very close friends or at least I thought I did but I am afraid to mention anything to them b/c I don't know who is Truly Happy with him and who is not. I know that Satan wants to destroy churches but I guess that I am shocked that it would be Trinity. I am not looking forward to explaining to my children why we won't be back at Trinity. But I will be held accountable to GOD one day for how and where I raised my children to learn about Jesus and how much he loves them. Trinity is too consumed with listening to a man they believe is preaching the word but he isn't preaching and interpretting it correct according to scriptures. I have a huge problem considering that GOD chooses those who he will save. It is of a person's free will - yes God knows in advance who will accept him but he does not choose who will be saved. I am not on this website to gossip. I am however on here to tell how I feel and say that God has put a new season in my life and it is time to find a NON 5 point Calvinist church. One who the preacher is a humble preacher not an arrogant preacher. I only wished people would open their hearts and ask God to show them the truth about the preacher instead of opening their wallets. As I leave Trinity I will miss friends, and still pray for calmness and not turmoil at Trinity. I would say who I am but I don't want people saying mean things to my children.
Lastly I can't believe he would say something so sarcastic about taking cyanide in front of little ears if you know what I mean. They were listening to and now I get the joy (not) of telling my children what cyanide is- thanks good role model- Chad

Matt said...

The deacons and committee members say they will do nothing about Chad as long he is preaching the word. Where in the word does it tell the discontented and non agreeing to take cyanide?

Anonymous said...

To 4/11 4:37PM Anonymous

Truth??? Really? Come on now. Listen closely and to his interpretation of the Truth. This blog is not about tearing down the pastor instead it’s about revealing and exposing the false prophet so he won’t be able to tear down Jesus flock any longer. We are not to cause other to stumble so we are sharing the truth we have about these people so no more will stumble and fall into the mess. I don’t believe this site is causing divisiveness, rather it is the decision of Chad’s patterned direction that is causing divisiveness long before this site was ever developed. The Calvinist doctrine that Chad follows, and now finally admits to Trinity, is not the truth. Sorry to lay that on you but we are to follow God, not man. Try searching your Bible like I did mine. I couldn’t find any reference to John Calvin in any book of my Bible. The closest thing I could get was the initials of JC and he is not even close to who that belongs to. Yep the one and only JC - Jesus Christ. If Unconditional election and Limited atonement is for only those on the master list then ask yourself why Calvary and why the Cross? Why did God come in human flesh to this earth and endure the suffering if it was already predestined and predetermined who will be allowed on the list? If you are the spiritual leader of your family, ask yourself if you believe in election or free will? If you truly believe that God is our heavenly Father, then how is a father expected to pick which child is loved and ‘elected’ to spend life in heaven with Him and the other child doomed to hell? It is impossible as a father to make that kind of decision. God is about love and he loves us so much he made it so we won’t have to make that decision. He sent his only son to die on the cross for EVERYBODY’S sins so ALL can come to Him through the love and blood of Jesus. Although born with a sinful heart, we were created in HIS image and ALL who are thirsty can chose to come to the fountain. I believe that God is love, has love for ALL, and His word is very clear in John 3:16, and Romans 10:13. You can’t put limitations on God. He loves us and wants to have a passionate relationship with us, not send us to hell. I believe Jesus paid too high a price for it to be part of a plan that picks and chooses (elects) who should come. See, that is what is causing all the hurt you read from all the people on this blog. When Chad happened to arrive in Southaven, he was greeted with people like you who’s desire is to take the gospel everywhere with a loving spirit and make a difference for God’s kingdom. The people of Trinity won’t accept anything less than the greatest commandment of love one another and the calling of the great commission to go share the Good News and make disciples of men. This has always been Trinity’s calling and they simply want a Sheppard who desires the same and will lead that movement with love. The staff is also under his spell and probably just as scared as everybody else to cross him. They have to be united if they know what is best for them.

Anonymous said...

In reply to April 11 4:37 PM

I totally understand your concern. At one time, I felt the same as you that the message Chad was bringing was a strong one and that people just didn’t want to hear the truth told so boldly.

First, let me tell you that if I go to any church service and don’t come away feeling convicted of my sins and realizing how undeserving I am before Almighty God, then I have wasted my time. I’m not looking for feel good, for easy, or to have my ears tickled. I know the awesome power of the Lord and no one appreciates a strong message more than I.

The problems go far beyond Chad’s preaching. Aside from disagreement with his Calvinist based theology, the major problem for me and others is that he came here knowing full well what direction he intended to take Trinity and we were never told the truth. At worst that is lying…at best, omission.

It’s a hard pill to swallow when your pastor, who representing himself to be a Southern Baptist, steps into the pulpit and almost without fail in every sermon criticizes his denomination and questions the salvation of everyone in the room who isn’t in lock step with his idea of how we should live our lives. Never mind what the Bible says about our being sealed by the Holy Spirit. Chad wants us to question our salvation if we do something different than Chad wants…e.g. the homeschooling issue.

Satan’s purpose is to be “the accuser”, not your pastor. Why can he not, with love, tell us what the Bible says, then let the Holy Spirit deal with us? The veil is torn…we don’t need Chad deciding if we are right with God or not. There are so many issues…no point in even trying to discuss each one.

If you are dedicated to Chad’s ministry, I hope you have investigated for yourself the teachings of Calvinism, Reformed Theology and 9 Marks methods before you buy it hook, line and sinker. I suggest, if you haven’t already done so, that you go to the 9 Marks website…just Google it…and read, read, read. The “for pastors” section is very informative. If that sounds good to you, then Chad’s your man and you will love Trinity, your registered 9 Marks church. The easier thing would be to trot on over to the nearest Presbyterian church. They tell the truth about who they are and what they believe. And you might find some love there.

The major problem that most of us have with Chad is his total inability to lead by example. He shows none of the love that the Bible tells us a leader should have. He has settled on one aspect…AUTHORITY…and he’s beating it to death. A leader that loved his people, was faithful to the Lord, and conducted himself with transparency and humbleness, would never have the problems Chad is having.

I, too, have had several pastors in my lifetime, from the very best to the very worst, and I don’t think I have ever before heard one where the major lesson I came away with was that his entire sermon had an air of belligerence about it. A preacher with love in his heart, could say the exact same words Chad says and they would not sound mean and accusatory. Bottom line…Chad preaches like a bully because he is a bully! (continued)

Anonymous said...


I agree with you about the Apostle Paul. He was straight, he was strict, he was strong, he loved Jesus, but he was never mean-spirited and self righteous! Chad cannot compare to him.

Truth isn’t the problem…it is how this man treats people. His pride and self-importance is destroying his ministry. There is a fine line between strong leadership and prideful domineering. Chad has slipped to the pride side.

If we are not supposed to recognize these things, why did God give us discernment when things aren’t right?

The number of faithful who have fled from Trinity and the fact that most Baptist churches in the county are praying for Trinity should tell you something. There is a problem there and it isn’t that those who have left and those who are still holding on are afraid of the truth…not by a long shot! Chad's teaching is not the last bastion of Truth.

You are right...these are the last days and those who have left are not turning from the truth, they are seeking churches where they can serve the Lord and take the gospel to the world…the whole world, the lost world…no matter where they are.

Those lost ones out there know nothing of New Member classes and seminary educations…they just need Jesus and they need someone to tell them about Him.

Chad has made fun of those trying to take the Gospel to them while he hides behind the walls at Trinity accusing his flock.

Valuable time is being wasted with that stuff. Christians should go show some lost people how born again Christians live. They don’t need to be beaten over the head with legalism.

You sound like a faithful Christian who just wants to serve the Lord. If you can do it at Trinity, by all means joyfully do so, but please make sure you know who you are following.

Your motives seem pure, but are your pastor’s motives pure as well? Is he at all concerned by what is happening at Trinity..something even more important than the m-o-n-e-y? Has he looked to his own self for some of the answers, or is he playing victim once more and blaming everything on those hundreds of “lost people who left because they are afraid of the truth”?

It is odd that this man has caused the identical problems…with some new twists here and there…at three churches now, but somehow every one of those problems has been caused by these same fictional “truth cowards”.

Poor Chad has been the victim at DaySpring, at Madison Street and now at Trinity. Really odd isn’t it?

God-called pastors usually have at least one successful church relationship after three tries.

You might be surprised to know that probably as many prayers are going up to the Lord each day for Trinity by its departed members as are prayed by the current membership. No one who ever loved Trinity would ever want something like this to happen to her.

You said you are relatively new to Trinity, so you may not know its history. Some of these dear people have poured their hearts, lives, finances and precious memories into that church…one where they thought they would spend the rest of their days…but are now exiled from it because they couldn’t bear to stay and watch the destruction.

Please know who you are following!

Anonymous said...

Oh, dear me!

>>>CYANIDE<<< ???

I thought we were gonna have Kool Aid!***just love grape.

Nope, don't think I'll be drinkin' ***not worth it!!

Guess we'd better tell the bankers he's staying***maybe they'll be wanting some "Big C".

Now, where did C.A.E. get his doctorate? Think they taught him clever remarks like that?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Please Deacons and Committee Members????? Even the most known crazies used scripture as their backbone for their actions. Even serial killers used scripture to justify why they did what they did. Did that make it right? NO! Jim Jones used the Bible and his followers thought he was the prophet. Just because people spout out the Bible does not mean they are of God.

Anonymous said...

April 12, 2011 12:18 AM wrote:

"Now, where did C.A.E. get his doctorate? Think they taught him clever remarks like that?"

I realize that was a rhetorical question, but for those who have not gone back and read the posts for the last couple of years, you should go back and read the blog post from October 16, 2009. Or perhaps this blog moderator may repost it? It seems that many more have seen the light since then and may not have read back that far. It addresses the FACT that Chad does not have a credible education, and anyone who has at least a master's degree in anything has more education. You can look it up for yourself. Some of the degree requirements may have slightly changed in the last 2 years, but they were completely accurate at the time. They were triple checked for accuracy. I don't know if that is the case, but I want to throw that out there as a disclaimer.

I think we all know the purpose of his fake degree: to give himself authority so no one will question what he says. We're all just mindless country bumpkins, right? Wrong.

Anonymous said...

I understand how hard it may be to be the deacon body or committee member to have to vote on this issue. As hard as it has been for all the long time faithful members to have to decide to leave. You can stop the madness. Will You??

Anonymous said...

Oh,GOD,I,m Hurting, After praying on my KNEES and pondering in my HEART, I want to write my feeling. I have just printed 25 sheets from the Enternet of things people are saying about our Pastor at Trinity.At first I did'nt want to believe them, then the blinders came off my eyes, because of the high number of good Christians that had and still leaving my Church, I didn't doubt the things said.
Afer reading the things about our Pastor, I could see actions, like his others Church members from his other 2 Chruches had said. The hollowing in his sermons, the aggronant behavior to some of our good Christians when upet, and about him controlling everything in the churches, and his wife that I seen also in our chuch.
I can see our Deacons and staff bowing down in fear because of jobs, can see it in their actions.
On Sunday night, that I felt was a Sabboth day unto the LORD, that he should be preaching the GOOD NEWS of CHRIST, instead here is a STAGE PERFORANCE all set when I walked in. A Leather couch and Chair with Staff setting all relaxed like in a Drs. Office, in stead of a Church. I thought what if we had visitors that night just what would they think? Then this came to me, WHAT WOULD JESUS THINK? Thinking here I am seated as a Member of this Church.I started to almost cry I was so hurt, thinking " Is this Church and Pastor really caring if souls are being saved? or is it just a PLEASURE CHURCH?
The Church members were asked to turn in questions for the pastor and Staff to answer, only about 2 got snswered, one was about Calvinist that was being a big issue. The Pastor I thought b"beat around the Bush" the saying goes, and didn't answer the question good, even with the help of some staff helping him. Then time had got away, and like a Lawyer says, We will continue next Sunday Night, another Sunday with no preaching GOD"S WORD just his meetings. He even said that he had rather that his sons were older when saved, he has always preached that walking a Isle and a prayer is not Rependence in which I do agree, but if they turn their life around later GOD knew that heart like David from the beginning as a child.
Then He brought in about the Freewell Baptist and Missionary Baptist. I knew he had talked about all demoninations, now here was mine, where I was saved as a 12 yr old child.I knew this was the answer to my prayer I had been praying"LORD give me discernment what to do? My heart is very sad and heavy to see this Church that I have loved so long be led astray by false teaching. But if GOD is ready for me to move on, he will go with me Psalms 13-5. Even little children are being disturbed because of all the disunity at Trinity,Many in the community are talking how sad this is happening at such a beautiful Church, the splitting of friends because of a Pastor. I just pray that our Pastor Bro Chad will now ponder in HIS HEART how many brethren HE has caused to leave our Church and maybe my family next. I am disappointed of the many Role Molels in our Church that have let me down because they are being brain washed, and will not stand. Well, this has took courage to write this, but CHRIST says, IF YOU ARE ASHAME OF ME I WILL BE ASHAME OF YOU" I AM HURTING, BUT GOD IS HELPING ME FIGHT FOR MY CHURCH. PLEASE CHRISTIANS HELP FIGHT FOR TRINITY

Anonymous said...

Thank you 12:26 you are so correct in what you wrote. People have begged him to just look at what is happening and see that he is hurting so many people. He seems almost happy about this. He thinks that people will love him no matter what and if they don't they are lost or troublemakers or both. This is so sad. I have visited many of the churches in DeSoto Co. at everyone of them I have talked to people from TBC who are all still so torn over HAVING to leave.

It is funny that Chad wanted to get rid of A.C. Curtis from the start. He said that he was a loose cannon and might explode any day. Well I think we were safer with A.C. Chad is the loose cannon. He shoots off his mouth all the time. I wish he would just open up his heart and see what he is doing and what he has. There is one common factor here........Chad.

Anonymous said...

To the person who said they were gonna stop short of calling Chad Demonic Let me do it for you.. This man has Not shown any fruits of God. He has not shown any love for anyone But himself. And to all the people who Feels he preaches the Word remember even the Demons know the scripture.This man hates The People of God . He has tried to do nothing but confuse us. He has even twisted God's word but you fools still support Him. Take Chad out of the picture and Think about what would happen if any preacher did the things He has Done.. He would be run out of the Church. Chad's Actions are Nothing short of being Demonic. And I can assure his True Spiritual Father Is not Jesus. FSM