Trinity members, there are only two options for you:
Leave and find a church that you can serve God in and let the wolves have it, or you can fire him. The latter means someone has to confront him head on. Who will say, "Here am I, Lord."
The Southern Baptist Convention is not going to, nor is able to help you either. Much of the SBC "leadership" has stood by an watched him destroy three different local church bodies. They have shown on more than one occasion that they do not care.
He will always have some sort of cult following. Just make sure that the people who follow him have the information they need to make an informed decision. If they still wish to follow him and believe his lies, then that is on them. They will answer to God just as we ALL WILL.
As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
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I tried to think that all of this was a lie as Chad said, but it is true. I have had a run in with Michelle as well. If I said my name many would be shocked to hear this. I simply asked a question about how we could stop people from leaving and try to mend the damage. I was not blaming them or attacking them I just wanted to try to stop what was happening. You would have thought I had personally blamed Chad ans her for everything (which now I do). She screamed and told me I needed to talk to Chad. I was in need of salvation and I needed to apologize for causing division in the church. I told her that I was not and just wanted to join with them to pray for unity. She told me that with people like me here there would be no unity. I said she was getting mad over something that she was getting wrong and that made her worse. I told her I was sorry to upset her and just wanted to try to help the church.
The next Sunday Chad told me he needed to talk to me and I told him I would call and make an appointment when my husband could be there. He got mad and said this was not something my husband should be in it did not include him. I told him I would only talk if he was there.
We never met. They are crazy and my family left.
Anon 12:14,
You completely fabricated that story. Whether you or for or against Chad and/or Trinity, everyone knows his stance on men leading the family (head of the home) and no way he would want to meet with a woman without her husband. He would want to discipline BOTH at one time...
Fabricating stories doesn't help your case.
Well, so much for the loving pastor and pastor’s wife!
That’s just one person’s story of how they were treated. There are many others! Something’s missing, folks!
Following are attributes of a pastor gleaned from God’s Holy Bible in I Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9 and I Peter 5:1-4.
See if you find Chad and Michele in these descriptions…you’ll be hard pressed to do so with the exception of maybe two or three:
Beginning in I Timothy 3:
1 Here is a trustworthy saying: Whoever aspires to be an overseer desires a noble task.
2 Now the overseer is to be
above reproach,
faithful to his wife,
able to teach,
3 not given to drunkenness
not violent but gentle,
not quarrelsome,
not a lover of money.
4 He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him, and he must do so in a manner worthy of full respect.
6 He must not be a recent convert, or he may become conceited and fall under the same judgment as the devil.
7 He must also have a good reputation with outsiders, so that he will not fall into disgrace and into the devil’s trap.
Titus 1: 5-8 repeats the above with verse 9 saying: “He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it.”
Then I Peter 5:1-4 says
1 To the elders among you, I appeal as a fellow elder and a witness of Christ’s sufferings who also will share in the glory to be revealed:
2 Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them—not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve;
3 not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock.
4 And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away.
You see the problem…
If Trinity is to ever be about the Lord’s work again, it needs a pastor and a pastor’s wife, who exhibit the above characteristics. This is from the Word of God, not someone’s opinion.
Anything less is to be handled in only one way…FLEE!
Go find a pastor like this and follow him, love him, support him and cherish him.
To 5:58
I did not make any of that up. It did happen. Why? I DON'T KNOW. I have never done anything or questioned anything that would label me a troublemaker. I have supported the pastor and staff. No one else was there so how can you say I lied. I only know that Chad and Michelle did this to me and I know I am not the only person who it has happened. You can ask him but I am sure that he will not admit to it either. He only wanted me there because he could attack without :
1. Witnesses
2. My husband would have never allowed him to be hateful to me.
3. Convince me of my evilness
4. Attack me like he has others
I don't know take your pick of one or all of the above.
My husband who is the spiritual leader of our family believed me. He consoled me when I came home in tears. He even tried to reach Chad to discus what had happened with Chad never returning his calls. After that we left. We are now at a Bible believing and Jesus worshiping church here in Southaven. We not wishing to spread any discourse did not want to talk to others about what happened but that did not stop others. After hearing from them I am blessed to say we had it easy.
I have always thought that when you ask a simple question and someone attacks then it usually means guilt.
Whoever you are going to Chad's defense please know that unless you were there you would not be able to say for sure anything. The only people there were Michelle and I the first time and then Chad and me. I don't care if you believe me but I know it did happen and we are gone as a result.
WOW so many of the people who have still given their money to Trinity even though they did not like what Chad was doing.Well a big chunk of them joined a sister in the area. Chad keeps lying about people leaving. It will get worse before it gets better.
Some one better do something quick. I am tired of hearing that they can't act quickly. Maybe they have a good point we acted that way and got CHAD.
Yes a bunch of them joined the church we visited yesterday. People I never thought I would see leave. I am so happy for that church it has gotten a man in who has always lead with 1st the Lord's will for the church and 2nd the people's. He prays and seeks God in all things and never sets out to hurt the members of God's church. He can grow a church and has. When he was at TBC he took three small churches and turned them with the help of God and the people into a mega church/
On the Trinity site all the staff are saying how much they love us. How can they say that when they are sitting back and allowing Bro. Chad to hurt so many. No one is above being wrong. It is only a person who has a heart for the church who will try to be a peace maker. Most of our staff have turned into men of war. I am so tired of the anger.Where is the peace and joy we used to have?? I don't think it will ever return.
I was not present when this attack was made on that person but I have seen them pounce on others when they have been asked something they did not want to answer. Michele went after one young lady who had grown up at TBC only because she (Michele) did not like who she was dating. She was not asked go give her advice. This girl and her family left. They had been at Trinity longer that I have. Yet Michele ran them off.
Do any of these Deacons or Staff members not think that at anytime they ask the wrong question or say the wrong thing to Chad or Michelle that they will not be turned on. They better think twice. Then they will be in the shoes of the people that have been leaving.
The sad part of all this is that I had men here that I have respected as Godly leaders of Trinity for many years. I have always knew and never second guessed them until now. They have just sat back and allowed this crazy man and his wife and friends to come in and destroy us. These men have allowed Chad to bend their minds into mush. I will never have respect for some of them ever again. Some have used Chad to hurt people based on their own agendas. We also can't forget those who will let anyone do anything as long as they still get a paycheck. Yes Trinity has had problems and I will agree that some of the people who left may have needed to but so does Chad. He has run off so many people and hurt many more who have chosen to stay.
And another thing why is it that now after serving side by side by so many of the men and women who have left are they now troublemakers? Why just because Chad has said they must be lost do you agree? It is not your place or his to decide that. Look at the problems and look at who is involved. Chad is the common factor. No one on this earth is above being wrong. We all need someone to be accountable to and Chad has no one. Everyone is afraid to tell him his is wrong on so many fronts. How can a HUMAN not be wrong sometimes? Is it not a sin to think you are so perfect?
It is time to stand up and march on to retake God's church from this evil spirit that Chad has brought in.
Well, here we go again....the blogger finally blogs and now we start the whole thing all over again. Like the blogger says if you can't stay, then find a place where can go and worship. After all, if its a "cult" as some are already name calling trinity AGAIN...why if you believe that would you stay and be a part of it? Or is that you love the conflict and it fills your time and you mind and your spirit more than stepping away?
Here we go again?
When did it stop?
Oh that's right, chad, you haven't stop tearing down the Body, so it never has stopped.
Watching You,
The guy wears blinders like a mule. He thinks we here at Trinity are his puppets and WE are all wrong.
That is what spiritual abusers do you know, string you along.
TRINITY IS A CULT - and becoming deeper and deeper entrenched each day as this man iron fist pound the masses.
See Chads comments on his blog? He hates anonymous bloggers and bloggers who expose him.
Hey Chad, you think it has been bad in the past? Get ready because you are about to enter the "blogger zone" and it is about to get worse, get ready CULT leader!
This is so ridiculous! Now we have threats of a "Cult Buster." First of all why are you, whoever you are, so driven and full of anger towards a group of people who have chosen to worship God? What makes you the master cult buster anyway? You keep going and going on about Chad and how terrible he is. But there is a big group of people regardless of what you keep writing that truly love him and the Lord and are moving forward with Trinity, thankful for what God is doing. So who made you Super Blog Man? If you write that God assigned you to write threatening words with the junk that keeps being posted here-that is exactly against God's word. Oh and don't keep pointing and blaming Chad. We are talking about YOUR response right now-for the one finger you keep pointing at the body and leadership of Trinity-there are 4 of your own pointing back at you. This is just ridiculous. You must be a very small person or very insecure to keep hiding behind a screen and I guess this makes you feel empowered to see your words in print. Its a bird, its a plane, it's....Cult Buster! Entering the "blogging Zone!" How bout trying something positive and put all your energy into something that helps and builds up the body instead of trying to destroy it? You might be shocked how big you could me if you crawled out of the computer screen.
There have been post on this site that I would have bet the farm were made by Chad and they were done under the name "Anonymous" Some were made under the name "Luke", "John" so is that not the pot calling the kettle black. I will also say that I have posted on the churches blog and the comment never showed up. At least this site owner gives Chad and his minions the right to voice their opinions. Chad won't he thinks all that are not the same as his are wrong.
Chad or Michele you say;
"Its a bird, its a plane, it's....Cult Buster! Entering the "blogging Zone!" "
I like that. Thank You Cult Leaders at Trinity.
And tell your Mafia buddies they are on my CULT busting list too.
They are entering the "Blogging Zone"
TO: Anon 8:44 am
You wrote:
"You must be a very small person or very insecure to keep hiding behind a screen and I guess this makes you feel empowered to see your words in print."
My question: Pot calling kettle black...maybe? If you love Chad so much, why don't you give your name, stand up and defend him?
Notice, I'm also 'Anonymous' for one good reason. If Chad had our names, he would go after us with a vengeance. He is the ultimate control freak and has no interest in hearing anyone else's opinions. He's got a real thing about "troublemakers", but he and Michele make more trouble than all of us could ever make.
Waiting to see your name so we can see that you aren't "a very small person".
Anonymous #101,981
Thanks Chad / Michele
Now I can have some fun too.....
To: 8:44
You will also be judged for your words and actions. It does not matter what you feel is right or wrong or for that matter what I think. It is about what God thinks. I do feel that He does dislike all this but I will also say that Chad and Michele have hurt people everywhere they have gone. Chad post on the churches site about how this blogger must look like a child bore from Pee Wee Herman and Granny Clampet. Please this just makes the point that as a pastor he should be above this. He has no clue and it is judgmental to post what he did. It also has no place on the churches site. People have made some very hurtful post on both sides and Chad has also done his share of it.
I will ask you this if this stuff is so pointless and wrong why are you reading it? If you don't believe it why waste your time? Maybe because you know deep down inside it is true. There are many sites out there that I think pointless and guess what I don't look at them.
Facts are Facts the church is down to less than 500 on Sunday A.M. and P.M. is just sad. Wednesday night is way down too. There are no fruits coming from Chad's ministry here. We will not last at this rate. These are provable facts look at the business records.
Man Bro, Chad you have upset the wrong person I think. I don't know who Cult Buster is but it sounds like you may have met your kryptonite.
WOW I visited a church this morning that 4 of Trinity's members joined. Also 3 people came down for salvation, This church even had double its last weeks offering. It has doubled in size in 6 weeks and is on fire for Christ,
Bet Chad wishes he could claim that.
Please there is no reason to think that Trinity will change. Chad has been given all power with no accountability. He can do as he pleases and will. No one should ever giver anyone that kind of power. We all need someone to keep us in line. I am so glad that Bro. Jim is back. I left LHBC yesterday and watched as people hugged each other and were happy to be in God's house. There were several people join and best of all salivations. People glad to invite friends and family to church. Chad please before it is too late you need to pray and fast and seek God's will for the church. I hope and pray for the best for Trinity but unless Chad gets his heart right it will not happen under his leadership.We need people to stop looking for their pay check and look to what God has called them to do.
About a week ago the counter on this site re-set to zero. In less than two weeks thousands have looked at it and many from inside of Trinity. I have sen the ladies during church in the nursery office looking at it. Many feel the same way others do but are just afraid to say anything. Many are on staff and also deacons. They know what Chad will do to them if they speak up so they just coward down and allow this madness to continue. I understand that you have bills to pay and mouths to feed, but the church will not allow him to just fire you. If we voted you in then we have to vote you out. The people still here just need a person in leadership to do what is right and we will follow and support you. Do you FEAR Chad more than you TRUST GOD?
With the money so low who will be the next to go???? Families are leaving, children and youth are gone. Chad's base of 30-40 year old's are leaving. Staff members are putting out their resumes. Chad is even looking because he knows that Trinity is imploding. It is really too late. You better hope that with a church just over the stateline, with a well known pastor. A man who is really a MAN of God. This man who is known for growing a church and loves the people enough to make hard decisions to make things right. Right not just in his eyes but in God's eyes. This church has doubled in size and is looking to move to DeSoto Co. soon. I think it will be irony when they are able to buy us on the courthouse steps. Then you can thank Chad but more than that blame the DEACONS and the rest of the leadership for sitting back on their "Blessed Assurances" and allowing it to happen.
Dear TBC people I have a wonderful story of our "Pastor Chad's" compassion. I was told of this a few days ago but before I reported it I did make several calls and talked with people who did wittiness this.
One of our choir members we will just call him Mr. J. fell on the choir steps. This was on the record and was witnessed by many people. He was hurt very bad and has not be able to return to work. The church did step up and offer help but has now changed their minds. Chad made the decision that the church could not and would not help him any longer. They might be able to pay his phone bill but that was it. Our wonderful and Godly pastor also told Mr. J. after he started to get upset over the decision that if Mr. J. wanted to he could get a lawyer and sue for help but it would get him nowhere. Chad also told Mr. J. that if he chose to "Lawyer Up" then he(Chad) would have his and his wife's(Mr. and Mrs. J.) names removed from the churches roll.
When this was first told to by a lady who does not attend church she was appalled. Her words were like salt in a wound as she said "I always thought that churches helped people and to think he was hurt at church. Why?" I told her that I did not know or understand anything that Chad does but I would find out if it was true. I have spoke with 5 people and 2 were deacons and in fact it did happen.
I would like to know why the churches insurance did not help Mr.J. and how Chad living on a golf course with his six figure income can sleep knowing that this family may lose everything and Chad allowed it to happen. I understand that with tithe down to $20,000.00ish per week there is no money but that too is Chad's fault.
I have been told Mr. J. has an attorney and I hope this will finally wake up Trinity to what this idiot is doing to us. It is only going to get worse and he will pack up and take Jeff S. with him and ride off to ruin another church and group of God's people. Chad better watch out I can't believe God will allow him to keep this up much longer.
On the churches web-site Bro. Chad posted that 28 people just finished the new members class and that 10-12 more were waiting to go through it. I would like to know who. I have been at all the services and I have not seen 38-40 people join the church. There have been a few but no where that many.
Strange things are happening.
I do not know about you guys, but I feel we are about to hear some new that will rattle Baptist and their wallets.
Just a gut feeling.
To 1:19..... I Hope So and I hope is sends Chad and his minions running for cover. I just hope it stops him soon. I can live with some of the Calvinism but not the lies and hateful spirit. I should not have to pay someone to act that way. And I am not anymore!
TO: 10:41 am
Well, so much for "I Love My Church"....right? Mr. & Mrs. J. might beg to differ on that one.
Also, on the quotes Chad posted from all the "love letters" he has received, one poor unsuspecting person supposedly wrote, “I love you for your concern for the well being of others.”
Their eyes will be opened when they face Chad's real coldness for themselves one day. It's easy to let him hide behind that fake "charm" he uses so well, until you cross him....then, you will get "the rest of the story"!
Heaven help what's left of Trinity!! You have a tyrant-dictator, not a pastor!!
What has happened to the heart of Trinity? We used to love each other. We cared about each other and now everyone it just seems are at war with each other. I look back to when after Bro. David left and we all stood around the worship center holding hands. That was just a a farce. WE need to get rid of Chad and all the leadership including the deacons. We need a revival and we need Jesus to come back to Trinity. I really think He has left the building.
I saw E.J. fall and he is hurt. I am so sorry that Bro.Chad did this to him. I am ashamed to say I am a member of Trinity. They were not so cold when A.C. attacked members of the church they kept him on staff because no one wanted to see his family go without. Now we have someone in need and maybe our staff should give him money from their large salaries to help him out.
This is sad and the name of Trinity may have to be changed too like others Chad has been at.
Who ever sent those comments to Chad (if anyone did) they have not met the real Chad. Please just say something , anything that is not what Chad's wants and K-POW right in your kisser. He is a real bully.
People Pray hard and maybe soon something will happen to stop Chad and his family from hurting anyone else. I hope for all of us still at Trinity Chad will finally be forced to face his own evilness and will learn his bully ways are not of God,
I did call a deacon and he verified that Chad did that to a family that the man was hurt at the church. This deacon was not happy about it either but Tim W. said the deacons would stand behind Chad.
Talked with a few ex members at other sister churches in DeSoto Co. Many of them had people join, Chad's head seemed to be elsewhere. Wish the rest of him would join it and leave too.
Whatever Chad wants to say or think and believe he is a product of his Dads abuse and he and his brother are not far from the tree. He can't say that their ministries are different from his when he pays his brother to write our BFG material. Chad I think your goose may be getting cooked soon.
I was wondering about the man coming to preach in a few weeks. His name is Rick Coram. Does anyone know anything about him. Chad claims he is one of his dearest friends but that is all. I was just wondering?
Another one using the circuit to keep his wallet fat.
Knows what chad is, but won't stand against this bunch.
On Rick Coram's website, he says you can accept Christ as your savior by saying a prayer. That is not a part of Chad's gospel, and is often rebuked as false doctrine. The end is near for the church, and Chad will wash his hands and move on. The doors can't be kept open if the tithes are what they currently are. The debt will not be paid, and the enormous salaries will not be paid. No more breakfasts on the golf course patio. The payroll of the church is over 60% of the current budget. That doesn't leave much for ministry. They can't even afford to turn on the air conditioners. We can only pray that God's hand will reach down and save our church before it is too late. It could be too late. God may have other plans for His church building that doesn't include any of the current staff or members. His plan may be to disperse the congregation, which has already begun at an alarming rate. All we have is His grace. Please pray for us.
To 6:43 P.M. I totally agree. When my family and I visited TBC about 16 years ago we felt so welcomed. The spirit was flowing and you could just feel Jesus presence when you walked in. People loved each other and the pastor loved us. I remember once when Bro. Jim was getting ready to leave town and my friend needed him and he dropped everything and made time for him. We had a pastor who loved us and in return we loved him. It is a circle. He loves we submit, he loves we submit ect.... All of that is over. It is just a shame that so many of the men who were in charge during that time are still in leadership but now seen to enjoy bulling people. They just foolishly follow Chad even when they know what he is doing is wrong. I just hope they have enjoyed the ride because when it is all over at Trinity don't think you will go to another church and have the same power. Too many members are at all the different churches and you may find yourselves NOT WELCOMED!
Chad has wormed us out of so much money and members and dignity. I for one am so ready for him to leave. He has run us so low that if he left tomorrow I don't know if we would survive. I hope Jeff S and PLEASE take Greg S.and Jon too. Brad W is the only person I think is worth holding on to. But he has been so mind bent by Chad he probably needs to go as well. Chad will have to leave soon unless he wants to work for free and that is not going to happen.
I just looked at the Trinity web site and on the first page there is a big black box that says "Check out what is going on" Inside that box it said "No Such Photos Found". Even the Web Site knows the truth. There is nothing going on at Trinity worth talking about anymore. Sad in just over 2 years Chad has all but totally destroyed Trinity. Is there nothing that can stop him. His family has done this in churches all over the south and it does not seem that anyone can stop them. We need a revival at Trinity that is true we need a revival of backbones that will stand up for what God started at Trinity. Chad is wrong and his fruits show it. Thank you PSC for allowing this bum to come in and rape us and the leadership for allowing it to continue. All our friends have left and we are next. No I am not a senior adult either I am in the 30 year old dept. No only old fogies are leaving. (I am not being rude to the senior adults) Chad has just tried to tell us that only the old people are leaving, the ones who can't handle change. That is not true most of the 30's and 40's and a lot of 20's have left. There are very few children and also the youth are running for the doors. It is not because everyone else is lost it is because Chad is crazy.
You know I find it funny that Chad has made request over that past few weeks on behave of his family members for things not to be said or done to then because it would hurt them. Now do you feel the same pain we have for the past 2 years? WE have begged you on this site and in person to stop hurting us and try loving us. In stead you chose to bully and hurt us. Now that it is your Father and your family then others should show you mercy. I know we should give you more because in my opinion we are all on a higher level than you are. But there are times when people have to fight for what is right. Yes people even here at Trinity know what is going on with you and we are praying for God to do whatever it takes to stop all this hurt that your group feels they are untitled to dish out. It hurts when we see people we love getting hurt as I have sat back and seen over and over here at Trinity. It has pained me to see my friends and family hurting over your abuse. I have watched people making painful decisions over church membership and being forced out of a church they have been members of since before you were born. (A few have been members of Trinity that long) There are a large number of us who know we must pray for you because you can't hate someone that you pray for. We don't want that hate building up in us like a cancer and killing our joy. That JOY comes from Jesus and you can't take it away.
This hurt you may be feeling about that other situation is just the tip of it. We are praying that God stop any one from leaving here or anywhere else and destroying another one of God's houses. Think about it Chad..... If what you are doing is right then don't you think your ministry would grow? Why have all the churches you have left been in destruction mode. Members gone, money gone and you don't care you just move on to another set of victims. Well I hope that ends and NOW. Chad you must leave and get a job as a used car salesman. Your wife needs to work and spend less time meddling in others lives and you kids need to be in school where they can have some hope of being normal and not bullies themselves.
Go back to Ga and Daddy or go somewhere..... just leave.
REPLY TO: "Running for the door"
In your post, you wrote, "Chad has just tried to tell us that only the old people are leaving, the ones who can't handle change".
Thank you for acknowledging that you are in your 30's, because it is affirming for us "old people" to know that you
"youngsters" are spiritually mature enough to discern that Chad's attitude and actions are not godly nor those of a true Pastor.
The reason so many "old people" have left is that they are rooted and grounded in the Word, have grown in their faith and and have experienced the leadership and love of truly godly, loving Pastors and we see none of that in Chad.
We also don't see any hope that he will ever change his ways, because he thinks he is right and everyone else is wrong.
Check out Webster's definition of "arrogance" and see if you recognize anyone you know:
Definition of ARROGANT
1: exaggerating or disposed to exaggerate one's own worth or importance often by an overbearing manner
2: showing an offensive attitude of superiority : proceeding from or characterized by arrogance
Synonyms: assumptive, bumptious, cavalier, chesty, haughty, highfalutin (also hifalutin), high-and-mighty, high-handed, high-hat, huffish, huffy, imperious, important, lofty, lordly, masterful, overweening, peremptory, pompous, presuming, presumptuous, pretentious, self-asserting, self-assertive, sniffy, stiff-necked, supercilious, superior, toplofty (also toploftical), uppish, uppity
Antonyms: humble, lowly, modest, unarrogant
See? Herein you have the problem. This young man is so caught up in his own importance, even admits his arrogance, but refuses to change it or even recognize the need for change on his part. He only sees the failures of others and everything is always the fault of someone else...never himself. It's all about him!
Ask anyone in either of the other churches that he has pastored and you will get a mirror-image story of the same actions. There has been no evidence of maturity increasing in Chad. His ego prevents him from growing by experience. This man needs to be out of the ministry, not just gone from Trinity.
I can tell you that there isn't an "Old Person" who has left Trinity who would not have gladly, joyfully submitted to Chad's leadership, if he had shown any of the attributes of a pastor that the Bible requires. Age had nothing to do with it! We just know a phony when we see one. That's called's a God-given thing!
The "old people" are also praying for those of you who are still trying to stay and we pray that what you are going through under Chad's leadership will not affect your future Christian growth and concept of Church.
Church is supposed to be a place where believers of all ages should be united in their love for Jesus and be free from man's drama, have their total focus on worshipping the Lord, living for the Lord, doing His will, loving each other as He commanded us to do and spreading His gospel by our witness...both verbally and the example of our lives.
There's not much room for that at Trinity today, but we pray that God will intervene and restore that fellowship.
To the post at 2:04:
WOW at the wisdom of this "Wiser Person" I will not say old because with age God gives wisdom. I have always been brought up that God's way was for us to learn from our elders. We should seek their wisdom and advice. We were all fooled by this salesman Chad. We all bought a bill of goods that are worthless. There are many younger people who are leaving or who leave after BFG. We can't stand him either. Where Chad has the advantage with our age group is that we are so busy raising our families that we don't stop to question all that seems to be happening. It is when we do stop that we see all the evil. I am sorry I was one who excepted the excuse that it was just a few senior adults and a couple of people out to get Bro. Chad that was the problem. That is not true. Now that you have left and things are so bad Chad will still not face that he is failing.
We trust that our search committee does their job and that the personnel committee does their job and the deacons all agree on him then he must be God's choice. That was not true this time. We had a committee who had red flags come up by most of them. Chad had to worm his way into their favor. He did NOT disclose about these blog sites or the problems at his past churches. He claimed he did but it was a LIE. He only gave the PSC a list of a few buddies of his and that was all. I know this because I spoke to several members of the PSC and they all said the same thing. Chad is the only one with a different story. But in the defense of the PSC why would you expect a pastor and a man of God to lie to you? In a perfect world he would not but this is far from a perfect world.
The church is in BAD shape and jobs are already starting to be cut. There are some that have needed to be cut for a long time and now the nursery problem will be corrected because these ladies who sit around on the clock will surely not work for free. Just as Chad won't. I just can't understand why we can't just fire him when he has done so much harm to us. Maybe some of you wiser people can help us understand WHY?
I agree Chad is wrong you are not old you are wise. Chad must go there is no way to salvage anything here at Trinity he has really blown it and needs to be fired. If I had that type of performance record I would be on unemployment.
I so think that Chad's days are numbered. The church is having this revival next week and the problem is we can't afford to pay this man to come and speak. It is time to make some serious decisions. Hours must be cut back. We have to many people being paid to sit and do nothing. ALL SALARY need to take a pay cut. The paid nursery workers must start to volunteer and should do it as a ministry that includes Pam and Angie. Pam should be the only one being paid and it should be part time only. We have such few children and babies now and no money for activities. See the money is gone because all the people who were faithful tithers Chad has run off. Tell him thanks.
These men do not come for free how much are we paying him to come? We must make some serious plans I think that Chad will soon flee and leave us high and dry. He has proven that what everyone else said would happen if he came here was true. I was really hoping that a lot of what was reported he did at other churches was not true. Chad had the chance to come here and prove it all wrong but instead he made their case. I think any ministry that has not grown or remained the same in numbers over the past 6 months should be put to part time. That would be ALL the staff members. We have had so many people leave and we still are paying people LARGE salaries and during the week when you go into the offices you see them talking and cutting up. Sometimes they are playing basketball or better yet just not in at all. There are office ladies just talking and cutting up and sometimes you have to ask them to help. Things must change!
On the Trinity site Chad is talking about how he has had the deacons studying a book on journaling. Where I can see that this a a great thing for someone to do I will also add that this blog site is like my journal. People have used it to show daily the life of Trinity and her members and how they feel.
Chad you are so much worried about our men keeping a diary and not worried about the state of the church. I guess you think that if you keep them so busy on stuff like this they will not see how bad things are. Good ploy on your part. I do hope our men are wiser than you think.
Ok..I've read this blog and tried to keep my mouth shut about an issue that is making me furious. That latest blog of Chad's is the last straw.
Chad's blog creeps me out! Can you imagine the emotional pain his little boys must go through having their private lives smeared all over the public writings of their father?
Each time I read something he writes about them, I think, "one day you are going to be so sorry for how you are betraying those precious boys". It feels like betrayal to me as I read it, so I can only imagine how they feel. They have no choice about what he tells about them in order to pat himself on the back about what a big, bad dude he is that he can "straighten them out". Is this the picture of a godly father? Not in my opinion! It is just another abuse of power.
Kids should be allowed to grow up, make mistakes, have both failures and triumphs and to trust that their parents won't blab it to the world.
There are many things Chad could use as illustrations without this constant betrayal of his sons. Grow up, Chad, you don't make yourself look high and mighty by bullying defenseless little boys!
You whine about others hurting your family. You are doing a bang up good job of that without any help from anyone. No one on this blog has ever criticized those precious, kind, intelligent, handsome sons of yours, but you continue to betray them every time you tell one of your "stories" that must embarrass and humiliate them terribly!
Why not do the same thing for them that you have asked everyone else to do....MAKE THEM OFF LIMITS?!? You could use some hypothetical kids and tell what you would do, if you need the ego trip. You are impressing no one...just making yourself look like an even bigger jerk!
Thank you 3:13 Chad loves to attack and I can only think that that must have been what his father did to him. Most abusers were in fact abused the same way. I have also thought that Michelle acts like an abused spouse.
I too thought about those poor little boys as their father called them a liar on the churches web site. Then why should he get upset when we say his is a LIAR on this site. Chad your are so lame now there is no way you can ever be effective as a preacher again. LEAVE NOW!!
Yes to 3:13 I have always been creeped out by them. The boys were in a teachers meeting with all the childrens teachers. Jeff S. was there and Chad brought in the boys. They were there to give us a show about Awannas. The boys were new to Trinity and were nervious. One of the boys forgot a verse and he got very upset. I thought at first it was about being embarassed but then I turned and saw Chad's face looking at him with contempt and realized that they have it very hard at home. Chad thinks they should be perfect as he thinks eveyone should be. They are homeschooled and I was shocked to find out he allowed them to play football with sinners. I would never want to see them hurt and wish he would stop telling all their faults. It seems that only them and Michelle make mistakes because he never does.
How is it that the Bible never speaks of Chad the only other perfect man on the earth.
There are really very few people who are really happy with Chad. Most people just deal with him being the pastor. No one would really care if he left. Most of us still at Trinity realize how many people have left and see how low the money is. Chad had encouraged us to give more but we have bills to pay just like he does. Most don't make what the staff at Trinity make and we can't keep giving more and more just so Chad and others can roll in the dough. Come on if we keep losing members then Chad should do what is best for the church he claims to love and leave. If he were right then this would not be happening.
Want to hear something just plain stupid... The choir of what is left of it is recording a C.D. this weekend. HOW MUCH DOES THAT COST????Do they not see how low the money is and why are they just spending like they are printing money? I just don't understand why the finance committee will not say NO to Chad and Jon.This is foolish spending. When will this madness stop?
I don't know how much it cost but I will say that Jon paid musicians and did not use the ones from our church. A lot was spent for nothing. As usual it is a JOKE.
OK so why were the musicians that are good enough to play?)and I will say some are paid every week) Money is down but they are not cutting spending except to fire cleaning ladies who made mim. wages. Someone better wake up soon.
Just an observation about this expenditure:
The Bible says in Leviticus 27:30..."And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land, or of the fruit of the tree, is the LORD'S: it is holy unto the LORD."
Was this a holy purpose?
Was it for the Lord's purpose?
Was it for the Lord's glory?
Was it an ego trip?
Was it unbridled spending by someone with no accountability to anyone?
Was it wise?
Does this sound like Washington, DC to anyone? Spend, spend, spend and pretend that everything is okey-dokey because others have to fund it all anyway!
Folks, there are some really wonderful churches in this county where the focus is Jesus, where His work is being done, where there is transparency and people are loved and respected. Use your God-given discernment, pray about it and if He leads you, go!
At Trinity, this is the way it's going to be and your leader is going power, cowered down staff and congregation and obscene salary are hard to leave!
Yes Chad and Jon decided that our orchestra was not good enough to preform on this recording. Spend Spend Spend. and Chad just expects us to give, give, give. As more and more people leave and join other churches and the money goes down Chad has still not taken a pay cut. I only hope that Jeff S. on the second year anniversary of his employment does not get a big bonus. There is no money. There was a day when these were given but we also had the bills paid and money in the bank oh yea and members too.
Not that this will change anything here, but the orchestra was not used on the choir CD because it would have cost too much to record them. A pre-recorded track from the music publisher was used. Also, the paid musicians have been let go because of the budget and the ministers have taken a pay cut too. Maybe someone could check that out to see what is TRUTH.
When did they take this cut and how much did they take?? The fact is the money is way to low to spend money on this type of project. I want to hear the truth I want to know when they started a pay cut, how much, if all the paid people in the nursery are still being paid???? Tell us the truth. Are we still paying all the secretaries or have they had their hours cut? I was there 3 weeks ago during the week and they were all just sitting around talking. During Mothers Day Out Pam and Angie sit around on Face Book. I know that MDO is self paid but it could save the money and help out the church. There are many ways to cut back so please tell us here what the staff is doing to help.
We do want to hear the truth. I have tried to support Bro. Chad and stay positive but this was something that did not have to be done. This is something that should have been put off until the budget was better. I really am trying to hold on but this is so bad. It was not a decision made using wisdom and that is something that Bro. Chad can't deny. No matter how much they may have saved by using a sound track money still had to be paid just to record the music. Money we do not have.
You seem to think that we are all a bunch of liars here. You are mistaken. We are people who love Trinity and the other churches that Chad has destroyed. We are all people who at one time welcomed him in and watched in horror as he pulled us apart one person at a time. I caught Chad 3 times in lies and when I asked him about it he blew up at me and said if I disagreed with him as the pastor I must be lost. Well I am not lost I just had the nerve to ask a question about something he clearly lied about.
So if you have the truth and would like to post it please do we would love to hear from you. You looking here just shows that you are looking for answers too. If he has not attacked you then count yourself lucky. Cross him or precious Michele and beware.
Happy Anniversary Jeff S.
Chad just bragged on you on the churches site. It has been two years. Two years of declining children and preschoolers. You were going to fix the problems in the nursery and have done nothing. The only one who ever worked was Karen and Angie and Pam ran her off. This was all done with Jeff's blessings. You have run off parents along with Chad. So Happy Day and it will happier when you two leave.
I heard the other day that all the people were taken off the prayer sheet at Trinity. If we are all lost then why not pray for more?
Also heard that all the people that left were old people that had
hearing aids.
The reason I left was all the lyies that Chad told and he may the one that told to stop praying....wake up people this is a cult. He will own the building
or leave you owing a lot of money.
I pray for Trinity ever night.....
I still pray for Trinity we left after Chad and Jeff had only been there a few months. I had many friends tell us how wrong we were to not give him a chance. Well I am so glad I have not wasted the last two years of my life on him. I have been happy at DeSoto Hills. I still check here because I have so many years and friends at Trinity. I hope Chad is gone soon but if he is not it will not be my fault or any of the other people who have left. I will be able to hold my head high and just sat with love "I Told You So!" He will not stop until he rules over everyone. He is a Calvinist Cult! The problem with him is he thinks he is the only person who is ever right. Only a small man thinks he is always right.
If we can't pray for people then what do we pray for? Money? I don't understand???? Explain the reasoning behind this.
I have heard that the revival is pretty good. The preacher is not as bad as Chad at lease for now. He will not be the salvation for the problems at Trinity and attendance is low. Chad has dug a hole that only him and the rest of the leadership leaving will correct. He lied to get his job and he is lying still and things are very bad. The bills are not being paid and I have not seen any post to confirm that the pastors have taken a pay cut. There has been nothing about it on web site. I would like to hear from a deacon to confirm this. This week we have spent money NOT VOTED ON for choir recordings and also visiting pastors. This is money we could not afford to spend.
May be at the next business meeting they will address all the spending issues, paid nursery works and musicians including the "staff pay cuts"?? It should all be in the business report and transparent for the members, right? however, don't expect somebody to speak up at the meeting to questions these subjects. we have seen what happens to those who speak up for Truth. who knows, may be somebody has had enough and will speak up? we'll see
No one will and the business meeting are nothing like what we are used to. We don't even really have them once a month like we used to. Does anyone remember when we used to enjoy business meetings? It was not that long ago, but seems a lifetime. Things have gone down so much and if this what Chad thinks is progress and right then he needs to watch videos of years past. This church used to be great and used to be friendly and a place we wanted to be. Now it is like prison or a bad job. We just go.
What I find so funny is that Chad is mad at Bro. Jim. He claims he came back to steal his church. He claims that Bro. Jim sent him a letter saying he was coming to retire and for Bro. Chad not to worry he was not going to preach. That did not happen. When Bro. Jim came back here he did not have come to preach. God opened up the door and like a true man of God he walked through. He did not lie to get the position nor did he beg. He did not even have to talk a search committee into hiring him. He walked into a church that needed him and people hurt and beat up that needed him. He was sent by God to heal.
Chad thinks that you must submit to what ever he dishes out and if you are really saved you will and be happy about it. It is that all the charter members are leaving and taking their money to another church. Chad can blame himself and his ego. This is about an abuser and his victims finally saying enough and leaving.
To 4:16 I totally agree. I am glad Bro. J. came back. These are people that he has known for years and has loved. It hurt him to see them in pain. Chad has to learn he can't beat up on people and no where in the Bible does it say to. Chad is not God and needs to learn that. Him and his followers need to go away and leave us alone.
The revival is really low in attendance. It is about like a Sunday night or lower. Sad I don't know what they are paying this man but I hope it was not based on the number of people coming because it was not worth the effort. He can thank Chad.
Still waiting for the person who posted that the staff had taken a pay cut to give the details. You people are so quick to attack when you say something is wrong. And when we want to know the true fact you never seem to have them. I have seen it happen several times. We are still waiting for photo's of people putting things into deacon's mail boxes. Someone claimed they had them and the receipt was faked. Never saw proof. So now please may we see what pay cuts and budget cuts have been made. I do not want to just hear them say they have taken them I would like you to scan in the business meeting and show us. If it is true I would think you would just be giddy to show it.
I was told the paycut would be announced in the business meeting this Sunday night after the pm service! Stay tuned!
What Business Meeting???? When did Chad decide to change the date of them?? Funny he seems to do as he wishes and members are to be informed of special meeting and nothing has been mailed out or said on the churches web site or on face book. Hummmmm what is he pulling now?
On March 7,2011 someone posted that the ministers had already taken a pay cut. That meant the pay cut had started. Now you are saying the pay cut would be announced in a "Business Meeting" this Sunday night. Why is it we have not been told of this meeting and also why is it that Chad can change and have meeting whenever he wants but the membership can't? What is he trying to do here? He is going to push through something that will be illegal as far as the by-laws state. Or maybe he has changed those as well. He did that in Florida just ask them. They found out he changed them and even took out loans without any one knowing except his few yes men. Watch him he will cover himself. I am talking to a judge and I will be watching everything he does. I have been told that as a member if I see any wrongdoing and can prove it then he can face charges. See in a church the membership does give the money but it should be used for what is voted upon and not misused. Any misappropriation of funds is a crime. It is also a SIN. Maybe Chad needs to check his salvation.
You have to actually come to church to see the business meeting in the Worship Guide...
Your hate makes you seem foolish... Like a child-detective looking to see who stole the cookies.
Keep chasing crumbs of unhappiness... That's what Jesus desires!?
4:27 Is this the pot calling the kettle black?? Go Away! Leave!
It's funny how you see anything that disagrees with you as "hate". (the prior post wasnt "hateful"... But since it called out your error... That's how you saw it) Isnt this exactly what youre accusing the Pastor of Trinity of??? Seems like you're the pot now.. Right?
That did sound ugly and for whoever posted it I will say I am sorry. I am not the same as Chad nor do I want to labeled as the same. I did not know about this called meeting and am so happy you told me. I am still a member and have been for over 15 years. I have not been attending Trinity because of Bro. Chad. I do not like him or his style of abuse. Abuse is wrong no matter what umbrella you label it under. The membership is down and that is not my fault. All the people who left do not post here or have even been to this site. We have people from every walk of life. We have seniors, 50's, 40's, 30's, 20's, and teens. Parents have been under Chad, Michele, and Jeff and see the problems. They have chosen to leave and raise their children under God's teachings and not a man so hyper Calvinist that he can't see the fault in himself. I will attend this meeting as will other members who have not been attending but are still members. My hate in this has no bearing on my feelings for Chad because I do not hate him or anyone. I just know that he did lie to attain his job here and his ministry is not what we need here.
To 4:27 and 7:49 The same person?
You may not have felt that that that comment (4:27) was not hateful but in fact it was not loving either. It was in some views hateful. Now that does not give us the right to be hateful back. You have been hateful and very rude to many who do not share the love you have for Chad. I am one of the people who have been attacked by sweet and loving Michele and Chad. So please do not call me a kettle or a pot. WE need to stop fighting each other pray for God's wisdom and let him chose. If we grow then Chad is the man. If people keep leaving then? Chad has a small group of people who are his "Good Buddies" and the rest he really does not like. You just think he does. I was in the inner circle at Trinity until I asked the wrong thing one day now I am dirt. Was that something done by a Christ Filled man? NO it was not.
The churches new blog is about us being mean and not to criticize him. Well Chad that is something you can teach by example. Stop telling all the faults that everyone else has but you. You tell us about your poor children every time they fail you. You tell us about mean members and choir members and past churches. All the evil people who hated you at your other churches. Lets not forget the Baptist they have always been wrong as far as you see it. So if you do not want people to bring your faults (and I hate to tell you you have some) then stop beating up on others. Maybe you should read or listen to what you write and say. Lead by EXAMPLE!!
Is God a fool? Is he not in control? You speak of letting God choose who the pastor at Trinity will be.. Are you saying he was out of control over who the pastor is now? Did God leave his throne? Did he take a vacation? Does man's inadequacy trump God's power? Does his weakness and even deceit rank higher than God's love for his bride?
Please explain...
Are you blind? Did you read the man's blog? He is talking about embracing criticism! What the heck are you reading? Lies!! You throw out that phrase a lot! I spoke with two Pastor Search Team members who said the only the the man did was follow through on what he said. So I agree someone is lying! But one just has to watch this junk, this gossip. Let's not even count the what lies were stated about Bro. Chad! Where is the big announcement from January?? Anyone? How about the lie we are behind on building? Anyone? I met with the man--he didn't grow horns, didn't scream and didn't bash anyone. He answered my questions without any hatred. I haven't gotten info from nameless cowards, I met with deacon's spoke with John Miller unless Chad has used his voodoo powers on him, or John outright lied a man who has been there 20 plus years seems good with him. Get on with your life people!
I agree with 3:44...Lead By Example. Stop criticizing Joel Osteen, Robert Shuller, and many others from the pulpit. I may agree also but those men will have to account for their actions one day. Instead aren't we to show Love from the pulpit and not criticize others?
To 4:37 Why do you think he wrote what he wrote? It had nothing to do with Embracing Criticism. It had to do with the fact that Chad does not like this site. It is alright for him to bash people and it i ok for him to give his "Prefrence" but no one else better do it. Chad has claimed that every one has lied about him. I have no idea about that but I will say that a lot of what were posted here from his past churches happened here as well. I will go Sunday night and see what Chad says about the state of the church. I want to see proof and not just hear empty promises.
To the person who posted at 6:15
Who did you talk to on the PSC who said that? If two love him then the rest don't and 4 of the ones I have talked to have said they made a BIG mistake and wish they could change things. They know there is nothing they can do, and regret all of this. Chad is not the man that he claimed to be. Things he promised he has not done. I have never posted any lies here but I know for a fact that Chad has lied to me and I caught him. He blew up when I questioned it and told me I was a troublemaker. He also told me I was lost. I am not lost and I am not a troublemaker. Chad has a big ego and thinks he is never wrong and he is just like we all are at some point. This does include you.
Dear 4:37 Are you crazy?
God is God and YES he is in control and He is on the throne. No, man does not trump his love for His bride. God is always in control and sometimes He allows things to happen.That is like saying when a person gets robbed or murdered that God was not in control. That those people God wanted to hurt. No one has ever said that and you are just off your rocker to even think that was ever implied here. There is evil in the world and God does allow things to happen. It is not always God's will when we do things we just sit back and say that it looks good so it must be from God. That is just not true. Satan was the most beautiful Angel in Heaven. He was not ugly and he will use his ability to look good to invade the church. Just because it looks like Chad was sent by God does not mean that it was God's will for him to be here. That is why it is so important for us to pray and seek God's will. The search committee said that they did have red flags about Chad. Chad called and talked his way into their favor and they were not all in favor but were pressured to make a decision quick. The fear of what was going on at Trinity with the lack of leadership caused them to allow someone in who should have never been here. The search committee members I have spoke to are just sick over Chad fooling them.There words not mine. I think that there is a lot of truth here and yes some non-truths but no one ever said God was not God or in control. Just sometimes just because Chad looks like a preacher and claims to be one does not make him one. You have to look at the heart and I am sorry but I have read things from him and Michele. I have heard them talk and rant and from the words from their mouth and the hate in their words I just don't see a real pastor.
I agree with 12:10 No one ever said God was not in control. God is the only reason Trinity is still open. Praise Him.
Question for the Chad supporter(s):
If Chad is so right, so godly, so great a pastor...why is there such chaos at HIS church?
Look around at the other churches in DeSoto County. Do you know of another one where there is such division, strife, hurt feelings, splits in families, broken lifelong friendships, distraction from the focus on Jesus????...and all over ONE MAN?
If he's so perfect how could this happen? Is he just misunderstood?
Did hundreds of formerly faithful, serving, God-loving, God-fearing, born again Christians, just all of a sudden turn into gossiping, lost troublemakers and abandon your church and its PERFECT PASTOR? Nope...didn't happen.
Could it be that they tired of the Chad-centered drama, the secrecy, the arrogance, the none-of-your-business attitude, and the tense atmosphere that hangs over Trinity since your dictator took over?
It appears that they have moved on to real churches with real pastors and have their focus back on God.
Why are you staying? Being part of Chad's inner circle is fun so long as you bow down, agree with and adore him/Michele, but try not walking in lock step and see how fast you understand and how much things will change for you.
Enjoy it until you cross him...then you will go the way of your Byron, GA & Starke, FL counterparts! His trail of destruction goes way back!
And, have the solution to the your criticism's called The Golden Rule!
It would be really nice if people that post here would take time to proof read before posting, so we don't have to guess as to what words are left out.
As a long time member of Trinity... All I saw were sour grapes... Always complaining and gossiping. Not many that I'd describe faithful servants! A tree is judged by it's fruits... Not it's own opinion of itself! You think it means something special to be a "charter member"... You need to read what the Word teaches about PRIDE!
To 8:32
Thank you for agreeing that a tree would be known by its fruits. Chad's have been rotten since before he lied his way into Trinity. I do not know what part of Trinity you were in for such a long time at Trinity but I never saw all the sour grapes that you wee obviously a part of. It is not a point of pride to be know as a faithful member or a charter member. These are people who have worked through the years and have stayed at Trinity through the storms and sunshine. You seem to think that the people who blow in and out like the wind and do nothing but keep their mouths shut are faithful. Why is it when people who are concerned and worried say something or ask questions they are "Sour Grapes or Troublemakers" ?
The fact is people are leaving. Money is critical. No one seems happy and people are scared to say anything. There may have been some who needed to leave but most are really missed.
Dear 9:23 Are you just being petty or is that all you can complain about? Please realize how sad that comment was. I have seen comments made by Chad supporters that has misspellings and grammar mistakes in them but I was not aware this was an English blog. WOW even Chad has made some grammar errors in speaking and writing. Please don't waste our time.
But also thanks to the blog owner who even posts your foolish comments. That does show his desire to be fair.
I love how everyone attacks everyone else about why the church is in such disorder. LOOK AT YOURSELVES,YOU'RE THE PROBLEM AND YOU DON'T EVEN SEE IT! The problem has obviously stemmed from this particular action of bickering and gossiping in hate. Instead of handling this in a Biblical manner and confronting Chad with two or three other (neutral) members you have gone off and begun to gossip about it. Instead of whining and bemoaning the problem how about trying to correct it yourselves? Chad is not the church, he just happens to be the pastor. He is asking you to repent and come to common ground so we can all fellowship not grab your gun and have a shoot out. Repent of your religion you brood vipers.
If you want to save the church, like you claim, put your big boy pants on and do the truly humbling work required: meet people you have the problems with and reconcile yourselves with those you have problems with. You'll find it wildly benefiting. If you can't find either the courage or the will to do that you need pray about why you can't and repent of it. This, by no means, is calling you out to go buy a gun and settle this in some bloody violent way. What I am saying is reconcile yourselves as a group and if you still want to leave do so not in the hate that current events have it in, but in love, as Paul does with Barnabus. The thing that you are utterly baffled by (disunity and wide spread grumbling within the church)has been caused by your own actions. So stop this cycle of sin repent of your religion/legalism be reconciled and sent off as brothers and sisters and not as hopeless disgruntled boys and girls.
Christ's body is not divided between believers as some are for and some are against. We all find our identity and unity in the blood of Christ. So repent of sin and join in fellowship.
(Matthew 5:21-23, 1 Cor. 1:10, Hosea 14:10)
If you no longer attend Trinity on a regular basis you are no longer apart of the Trinity's church body and you need to move your membership else where. If can't find a church that suits you fine continue looking. Don't camp out at one church as you "look" and not join. That's fraud. Most people find the church that want to become a member of within 2 weeks. By not being apart of -notice I said "apart of" not in- you're not fellowshipping with fellow believers. Just because you stand side by side and a hymn or two with some man and his wife doesn't mean you're fellowshipping. Fellowshipping is getting into the nitty gritty of people's lives as a community group and living and growing in the gospel. By not doing these things you're in sin and you need to repent.
As you can no doubt tell the main point is calling out sin. What this blog is and what it stands for, it is sin. It's digital gossip. The anger and the undocumented slander- sin. The following actions of leaving the church but not moving membership is sinful, you have left all obligations to the church for the pursuit selfish desires.
As a brother in Christ I ask that you take a deep hard look at the commotion you have caused about a church that all of you have recognized as good and Godly at one point or another. Look at how the rest of Desoto county judges it. You have caused almost repairable harm to her reputation. Chad was a relative unknown until people started to gossip around the county and behave just like the rest of the world. Repent of your actions and be recognized as part of the body of Christ, either at Trinity or elsewhere, or refuse the gospel and live as a pagan.
----- All of this Hypocrisy is killing me
The people at Trinity are happy... The ones who are faithful NOW... Not the ones clinging to a 6,000 person membership that never actually came more than once (most of them)...
That's why this blog is so popular... YOU HAVE NO VOICE in the actual church.. That's why you come here to complain... you're the minority. It's time you realize it!
Dear 4:52 You need to understand that we DID go to Chad as the Bible tells us to do and were blasted. Chad told us that if we did not agree with him we were the problem and were lost. Now go tell someone else that wonder la dee da fru-fru and hope for the best. We are not the problem Chad is.
Oh 9:51 you are being so "Hurtful" I thought that all the Chad supporters were such happy wonderful peacemakers. Well you are oh so wrong. I was here when the church was large and I still am here. Chad may have you convinced that it is God's will for the church to be shrinking and I guess you are just a baby Christian enough believe him. I am not a baby Christian and his happy talk tonight and pep rally will not float. I hope whoever you are don't sink with the rest.
To 9:51 That is funny I just got off the phone with 4 different people who after this joke of a meeting are leaving. The only one happy is YOU, and you are sadly mistaken.
Oh I'm apparently blissfully unaware that you talked to Chad with two or more neutral members in order for reconciliation or for a time of repentance.
Which brings me to the next point if you did either repent or leave - why is this still such an issue for you? You should take a look at your heart issue and repent of at least gossip and holding a grudge.
Oh no! Church attendance is down! Take a good look at the country I'd imagine church attendance is down because America does church wrong. Because we don't teach good church principles and really do church we've faked it by teaching parishoners to jump from church to church depending on what is "hip" and what ministry is on "fire". Instead of explaining to them it isn't just a congregation singing hymns it's a congregration getting into the nitty gritty of each others lives in order to encourage each other, call for repentance, and love in Christ as one body of regenerated believers.
I touched base in my last post about this but didn't go into detail because i didn't realize how legalistic and contrite you were: CHAD IS NOT THE CHURCH HE JUST HAPPENS TO BE THE PASTOR! We are not called to be under teachers we like. We aren't called to be friends with our teachers. We are all called to be Under good sound doctrinal authority and glean what information we can to further our walk with the Lord in light of their sermons. I have yet to hear of any doctrinal issue that is of GRAVE importance to the gospel being breached. Oh but you might say you've heard some! I have and that doctrine is opened to interpretation and that's on the eschatological view of Israel and the church. You ask any member of the ministration you'll get a different answer, it's not that any are wrong it's just there isn't a definitive answer to it and it ultimately doesn't matter in the wrong run. It doesn't break the gospel as the bible teaches it at all so it doesn't matter.
The rest of the issues you have brought up and the way you have brought them up is evil at best. You don't tell the world that Chad or Michelle or anyone for that matter yelled at you and got angry for questioning their authority. You bring that to their attention and call for repentance. We are all sinners and by not doing the above you've committed two sins one of commission and one of omission. You've openly gossiped about business that needed to be kept between you until you worked the issue out with that person and you've forsaken the covenant in Christ to redeem a fellow brother or sister by doing nothing to show them their error and share the gospel with them. You brood of vipers.
I have absolutely nothing to hide and I so very much want to talk to whoever you guys are face to face because I wish to be reconciled in fellowship and to begin mending the fence that this digital repository of sin has broken down and burned.
----- rrr
Your posts make it to this blog for your voice to be heard even as corrupt as you are, so why don't you ever posts the questions and comments made to yours?
At any rate, this blog was started because you were dealt with Biblically and refused to repent. So start, chad, by calling and reconciling yourself to the body at Dayspring and then to all those you tried to destroy at Madison street, especially Andy. Then call Doug, and apologize to him for your slander and your dad's abusiveness.
If you so want peace and reconciliation, then get up today and put your big boy pants on and take the first step.
Come on and show us that you really can be a man of God as you claim.
To 3:24 AM
If you so much want to meet face to face then why did you hide behind "Anonymous"????
Why is not a sin for someone to think they are always right and never wrong? Why is it people when they don't agree with what the preacher says that they must repent or leave?? Could anyone else be right? Are all who are not Chad always wrong?? I think you have your faith in the wrong you need to trust Jesus and pray. This is why people say you are a CULT!!
Haha funny story not Chad :p
3.24 If you don't like what people say on here; then why are you here? Like I've told some of my friends that support Chad; if the stuff wasn't true people wouldn't keep having new stories.
At that comment I was told that the one who started this site was lost. I informed them lost or not a person wouldn't put this much effort into something if it wasn't true.
If Chad is so amazing then why are so many people leaving? Every Sunday I see so many people that loved and supported trinity though MANY hard times. They are not the kinds to just leave without cause.
It's fine that you like Chad, but be respectful of the ones he's hurt. If you weren't there you have no reason to say they're lying. Just step back and look at what EVERYONE is saying before you call them all troublemakers.
I assure you, the person behind this blog is not lost, but thanks for your concern.
A) I haven't called anyone lost B) I haven't attacked anyone specifically C)I have yet to hear of any of the Biblical actions you have taken. I hear "I have gone with more than one person" really? Were they your lackey or random guy that doesn't care about what's going on? All your doing right now is attacking and slandering people. I've said plenty of times and apparently you don't grasp the concept of what I'm saying.
You are making accusations without proof or neutral party testimony of sinful actions taken out against you. You are being a busybody meddling in the affairs of a church you no longer attend under your own admission.
Just to show you your craziness: I called for repentance and you called me corrupt because you thought I was Chad. LOLWUT? What have I said that is corrupt? I've used Biblical principles and scripture ITSELF to prove my position. So what are you referring to as corrupt? Me or scripture?
If you pick me here's what you get: you don't know me if you did you wouldn't call me Chad. You've never tried to reconcile with me despite me trying to have open dialogue.
If you pick scripture you've effectively just called God a liar and corrupt. You can figure where your going from there.
So to affirm your claim of Salvation I ask you a simple question. What is the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
As to the other post as to why I seem so "cultish" for you guys. CHAD HAS YET TO SAY A SINGLE THING THAT IS EVEN CLOSE TO HERESY! and in so doing has preached the one thing that we all have agreed upon as the only truth in this fallen world: The Bible. He has proven himself to be a good Godly man in the line of Noah. (And if you think Noah was a good man before God chose him to build the ark and after the ark you better check again God didn't choose him because of Noah's righteousness y'know since everyone sought evil and Noah is apart of the "everyone").
Look closely at everything Chad has preached. You look hard little boy and tell me in your vain attempt to slander and misconstrue the words of God if he has ever denied the faith and preached paganism.
Also stop acting like witch hunting pharisees, and become more like the disciples that you claim to be.
Look's like his wife is at it again.....
Oooh, "little boy", classic chad. I bet your cult leader is so very proud of you until you are not around, then he talks about you like you are a dog under his command and you people think that chad cares about you.
If you are not chad, you are one of his brainwashed, so your judgment is clouded to begin with if you follow the teachings of this so called "pastor."
His heresy is in the fact that he destroys others in the name of a Holy God and twists scripture to fit his needs and you think because of his bought doctorate degree that he is the authority.
You are so blind and I pray that your eyes will be opened one day.
It is probably either jeff or michele who he has total control over anyway, so that is a lost cause.
he has lorded over both of them for years.
I've never once thought who made this blog was lost. I was just stating that someone who is still updating this site has good reasons.that doesn't mean someone is lost.
I didn't mean to make that sound like they were. I do believe that they are looking out for others because they have been really hurt.
Looking out for others because someone has to stand against jokers like these, not necessarily that they hurt me directly but they have preyed on plenty of people that did not deserve to be treated like they were by someone like chad or his cult followers in the name of a Holy God.
Unlike the leaders at his two previous churches and at Trinity, this site confronts his antics head on by exposing him for the pharisee he really is.
Dear Ross you say you haven't atacked anyone yet you just did inthe verry same paragraph when you said "Were they your lacky or someone who dosen't care. Were you there? If not then you have fallen into the same mold as those you put down be very careful.
"you are making acusation without proof" Where is your proof choose your words wisely.
You say that has said nothing even close to heresy yet he continualy tells from the pulpit that if you don't do this or you don't do this you are lost as do his followers. This my freind is a form of heresy for no man knows the salvation of another ma . That is left up to our Lord and Savior.
My freind I say this as a brother in christ you are atacking these people in a very un cristlike maner with all the name calling and belittleing that you my need to read you own words.
Lets all be careful as to what we say. In Christ Love
I haven't named names, I have done nothing but said "you". Look I never have pointed to a specifically blogger only a specific blogger's text. I haven't called them liars I've called to question their truth.
If you feel that what I am saying is offensive then you've probably committed the sin I am talking about and you need to repent.
I am not asking you to stay, I am telling you to leave in grace. I am not asking you to like Chad, I am asking you to be civil like you would with your boss.
If you were to do any of these things to a secular employer. You would be canned and you know it. Stop maligning people and calling it "looking out for the greater good." Because either way were called to obedient to our oppressors, and at the very least you're calling yourself above scripture and being proud and not following any of Peter's guidelines for living in a fallen world.
I say you are brainwashed because you are coming to his defense when you have no idea of what he is capable of or what he has done to many of his past parishioners. If you take an honest look at his record as a "pastor," then you have to conclude that he is not called into the ministry, but there for selfish reasons or else he would not contradict the very definition of a pastor, Bishop, according to the Bible that he claims to represent.
I will not post your cell number here, and I appreciate your offer of connecting, but this battle is not with you, it is between him and those he has tried to destroy.
Feel free to offer up your insight, but this site will be here exposing him for what he is as long as he is in the ministry or until he repents of his sin.
When did church become a job? Last time I checked he was a pastor not a manager. Also most jobs have a human resources department and they would confront the issue.
I will say the pastor is the head of the church, but that does not mean he is the dictator. He leads by example not by being controlling.
To 4:25 and since you brought it up in a secular world if you lost all the income from your company that Chad has he would have been canned a long time ago.
March 12th at 4:52 told us that if we have not been attending Trinity in a while we should join somewhere soon. That most people join a new church within 2 weeks. And that if we don't it is fraud. WHAT?? This person must be off their medications. You needed to proof read your post and see how foolish you sounded. What part of the crime of fraud is there in not attending Trinity on a regular basis. Maybe that is why Chad has decided to mail out letters to all the members of Trinity with a return envelope. This will say that if you don't return this card within two weeks your name will be dropped from out roll. I am still at Trinity and I am sorry but we were all voted in and should able to have our names removed when we have them removed. This means that anyone who makes Chad or precious Michele angry can be removed from the church. Everyone who backs this man is crazy. Better wake up soon. Chad will leave and there will be no where for the brainwashed few to worship. Then you will see. And for the record I did say IF YOU BACK CHAD YOU ARE CRAZY!!
Chad claimed that the staff was taking a pay cut but we do not know how much. We also are just taking their word for it. That is something that I really don't trust. He also said that the rest of the people on payroll would take pay cuts and also some would be laid off. People have been telling him this for months. Last week during revival they did get over $40,000.00 the rest of the weeks it has been just over $20,000.00 Chad told us that all the members leaving is because of the state of the nation. The economy is bad so people are not going to church as much. That is the most foolish excuse that he could have told. These people ARE going to church just not at Trinity. This has nothing to do with the state of the nation. I really can't believe that he really thinks we are so dumb. The reason that people are leaving is because of the way Chad has treated us. He bullies and he and his wife think they own us. We should just take it and know that if we don't we should repent. When does Chad have to repent. I can remember Bro. David said something one time that hurt a friend of mine. He went to Bro. David and guess what? Bro. David apologized and it was worked out. Even preachers sin. Even preachers are WRONG sometimes. Chad won't even speak to you he just screams that you need to get your heart right and repent. Well maybe he needs to fast and pray. Seek God's answers to the problems here and if it is him then he needs to call all the membership and the people who have left in the past 2 years and publicly ask for forgiveness. If the Bible says that lowly members should do this it is the same for him.
Chad said Sunday night that he was going to put something on the web site about all that was talked about last night. I have looked and he has not done it so far. He wants to go to a business meeting every few months and also more people have left that he reported. I will not say that he lied but someone can't count.
Maybe the post from the the people you thought were Chad was him and he posted here instead.
If all the people at Trinity think Chad is so right and we are all just nuts, then why do they keep looking here? If this is not true then why do they read it and even post? I just don't understand they sound so angry and bitter and do not help Chad at all. Just Sayin!
Okay Chad has now told us that the economy is the problem and why people are leaving. Well lets see now...... I have heard that the Choir Officers were the problem of the church. Then it was Matt W. who was the "Biggest Problem at Trinity". Then lets not forget Bro. Jim who came back here and God lead to preach at a church and minister to a group of hurt people. Now it is the "Economy Stupid". When will he look in the mirror and blame the common factor here. CHAD!
You know even Jesus was know as a troublemaker in the church. When He saw the money changers in the church and made a mess of the foyer, I am sure the pastor and the deacons thought that He was "The Biggest Problem In The Church". It is O.K. to be trouble when things are wrong. You will see. I hope before the church is sold on the courthouse steps.
We need to stop fighting with our brothers and sisters in Christ and start to go to war with the wolf in sheep's cloths.
I have had several people confirm that they will be mailing out letters and if you do not respond within a few weeks your name will be removed from the rolls. If Chad does not want you as a member of Trinity he can just say they never received it. It was funny he sure did want me as a member when I foolishly voted him in. Go figure.
Chad is doing the same as he did in his other churches. It took about 8 years at one church and 4 at another. Here it has taken 2. In less than 3 months this year we have lost over 50 members. That is a lot. I will also say that the members who have left in the past few months were the people who tithed. That is why Trinity's money is down and other churches is way up.
I am posting this here too! It is important for the people still at Trinity to see the what Chad really believes.
On March 10th, at 4:37 there was a post by someone who was defending the honor and attacking the people here who do not like Chad. This person asked?
Anonymous said...
Is God a fool? Is he not in control? You speak of letting God choose who the pastor at Trinity will be.. Are you saying he was out of control over who the pastor is now? Did God leave his throne? Did he take a vacation? Does man's inadequacy trump God's power? Does his weakness and even deceit rank higher than God's love for his bride?
Please explain...
March 10, 2011 4:37 PM
Now I hope this same person reads Chad's blog on the churches site and asked Chad the same question.
On the TBC site Chad started the blog by saying...."If this makes you mad .....I'll be O.K." This to say this is his preference and he could care less what anyone else thinks because he is right and everyone else that disagrees is wrong. He post that "Bike Week" is reporting that over 300 people were saved during this event. In Chad's opinion there is no way these people could have been really saved. He also says that in speaking with a man (possibly A.C. Curtis??) that had gone to India and said that he preached and over 100 people were saved. To this Chad claimed that this was not possible and that the people of India only added God to the list of the other 1000 false prophets they worship. So I guess this means that any mission trips unless under Chad's control that there is no way anyone could be saved.
Last week there was a revival meeting at Trinity and I guess that anyone if anyone was saved it was fine because they were saved in the correct way....Chad's way.
Folks this man is crazy. I do hope that the person who blasted the post on March 10th has the bravery to ask Chad the same, unless they like others who have been brave enough in the past know what will happen to them. ATTACK by CHAD!
What no quick sarcastic responses? No quirky little comments. See you are so quick to saw we don't trust God but when Chad says he doesn't that's just alright. See you all say that Chad is always right. It is fine and we are just troublemakers for getting upset over this.
WAKE UP! Chad is NOT GOD and he is wrong sometimes. To say that people surrendering their lives to spread to witness of God are just doing this in vain because it is not Chad's way is blasphemy.
This is wrong and not God's will!
So I have seen a few people post about what happened to me at Trinity and I would like to say thank you for your concern! I literally grew up at Trinity, the school bus dropped me and my brother off at the FLC many days because that was what our life was centered around!I was very very active in church but as I got older I fell away and got sucked into a non christ centered life I moved halfway across the country and went to church here and there but never felt the love and family I had at trinity so when I moved home in July of 2009 I was so excited to be back at Home at Trinity! That feeling was gone!! I had been so lost
into the world for years and was just trying to find my footing in Gods word again when I was completely shaken! At this same time I met a man who believed in God and attended church and respected me the way a man of God should( which was never the case in men I had dated previously) also who I am marrying in about 2 months!!!!:) at this time I was coming to church with my daddy every Sunday and in michelles Sunday school class. About two months into our relationship I attended mass with my fiancée ( boyfriend at the time) and then came to Trinity for Sunday night worship. After service Michelle asked where I had been that morning and not thinking of the words I told her I had been to mass with my boyfriend she began to be little me and speak louder than needed in the vicinity of a large number of people that had watched me grow up.. I began to tear up and she said " God will punish you for this" it broke my heart!! Many other things she said I care not to repeat but she also told me that we were unequalled yoked. I cried for two days!! My boyfriend tried to console me and told me to talk to my parents about but I wouldn't I just stopped going. About two months later I finally told my Dad what had happened and both of my patents thought I was completely over exaggerating the whole thing! But not long after other stories similar to mine started circulating and I'm not sure what exactly opened their eyes but they came to me and apologized for not trusting in me at the time. Which I don't blame them because if I hadn't been there I wouldn't have believed it either!! I started visiting other churches but couldn't find the Home I was looking and longing for. In November I took my fiancée to meet Bro. Jim at LaBelle where he was guest speaking and I felt the warmth of God the moment I walked in the door. I visited there a few times( while Bro.Jim was gone to visit family in OK and before the church called him as their pastor) and fell in love with the family at this church! In Jan my parents came and I let them know I wanted to join their but I wanted my Dads blessing first seeing as he is the head of my family. It was very hard for me to make that decision to cuts ties with Trinity. It was my second home and those there had always loved me and prayed for me when I was lost in the world. The Sunday I decided to join when I got up to walk down the aisle my Dad followed and then my mother. I was so happy to be joining a new and living family of God WITH my parents!! I am very happy there and so are my parents and mybrother and his wife and children now come every Sunday. Yes my brother, his wife and myself and one other couple ( the wife is also someone who grew up at Trinty like my brother and I) maybe be the only 20 sonethings but that's ok because God is doing great things there and we are just lucky enough to be there when it starts!! It has taken a lot of pray and soul searching to let go of Trinity and move forward but I am so happy i let the hate go from my hate
because God is doing amazing things in my life now!! Yes it hurt when Michelle said what she said and it hurt even more when I was told I wasn't allowed to marry in my church but God has opened new doors to my life and I thank him for it!!
I AM ALSO NOT AFRAID OF SAYING MY NAME OR LETTING PEOPLE KNOW WHO I AM!! Man can do nothing to me that God can't see me through!! I hope wherever you decided to worship that you will let go and let God lead you where you belong!!
Love your sister in Christ!!
Paige Nicole Hanson
Paige I love you so much. I have watched you grow up at Trinity.I am so happy that you are enjoying LaBelle. I am so sorry that you were hurt by this woman who did not even know you. This is the type of hurt that sends people out of church forever. I am so glad you knew that God did not do this but a woman speaking out of line did. She will answer for this one day.
For every story that has been told here there are many that never make it out of the broken hearts of people. I am so proud of you and your husband to be who has been faithful with you at church. See that is where Bro. Jim is so above Trinity's current leadership. You welcome people in and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. It is not any person's ability to decide if a person is saved or lost. That is God's job not mine or anyone else.
I guess I can understand the point that Michele was trying to make but it was her approach that was wrong. Chad and Michele think the only things people understand is yelling. In fact most people do not do well being bullied.Poor Paige I felt so bad for her when I heard what had happened. I am so glad she had a wonderful boyfriend who loved her through it. Because of all of this he is with her all the time at church. Chad and Michele think that only certain people can be saved. See that is limiting God. I believe that it is God's will for ALL to be saved. If we black list people not on Chad's good list then most people are doomed for Hell.
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