Thursday, October 7, 2010

chad a everson on Judging Others

The Bible is clear that God alone judges by seeing our hearts, so when we have to correct another, we must be very careful:

"Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted" (Galatians 6:1).

Personally, if you think you are Spiritual in the first place, then you may have a humility problem to begin with. So approach the person as someone who is just as dirty as they, but someone who is willing to work to a closer relationship with God, together.

The core problem that I have witnessed is that when a “pastor” teaches on how to deal with sin in other people’s life, no one will examine that teaching or that teacher in light of Holy Scripture even though they claim to be teaching Scripture.

Scripture itself exhorts us to do so when it says, "dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world" (1 John 4:1).

This is to those of you who have listened to and followed the teachings of false prophets such as the eversons. If now all of a sudden you find a different interpretation by another teacher or pastor, then you must still measure that against God’s Word. Allow God to be your teacher. Stop following the beliefs of the Baptists or the Catholics or the Methodists. Get one on one with God. He is the Great Teacher and He wants a relationship, not a visit from you on Sundays.

You have seen a fellow servant of the Lord sign his writings with, following God, not man. You too should do so. Blogs, commentaries, and teachings from solid Christians can all be good resources that might give you that author’s perspective, but there is nothing better than time in God’s Word and prayer and meditation on who God is and what He wants for you in this life.

Keep marching on Brothers and Sisters, the skies will reveal Him coming in all His Glory one day. All of the evil in the world will be overcome. My God is faithful to complete the work He has started in us.

Onward, Christians!


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Anonymous said...

According to the numbers the staff claims that few leave but that in fact is wrong. Just watch the parking lot after Sunday School. Yes the numbers are declining somewhat but only because so many have left. I do not trust who ever is counting in the worship service. I did trust the last one but guess what ? He has left too!!

Anonymous said...

We leave and do not stay for all the yelling. We attend another church for worship. That is why we go, to worship. I just can't even look at him or listen, but I love my friends in BFG. My kids hate to go to childrens church too. We will leave as soon as the BFG's change this summer. I know going to two different churches is not setting a good example for my kids. Staying here is not an option because we get nothing out of being here.

Anonymous said...

Please consider what the word of God says because I fear for the souls of those who spread discourse among the brethren. Look at the last verse and know that the Lord hates the things that do not edify the saints. Please stop this destructive discord.

Pro 6:16 These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
Pro 6:17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
Pro 6:18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
Pro 6:19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

Anonymous said...

Well Chad has also broke several of these commandments. 1 A lying tongue: He lied to get hired and has been caught in several lies since being here. 2. He has also soweth discord among the brethren just ask Choir officers and others he has brought in to attack over rumors he never looked into before he disciplined his way. He has also spoke falsely anouth others.

So lets ALL be told the same thing.

Anonymous said...

Chad is mad and told several teachers that he is not happy with former preachers causing him trouble. I did hear this and Chad did say it. He still does not realize that it is him causing all the problems. He thinks he does no wrong and ever one else are the problems.

Anonymous said...

I almost feel sorry for the FOC(Followers of Chad). They Have believed his Lies, now they are trying to blame "Former Pastors"?Wonder which former Pastor they are blaming? All of the Ones we have had in the Past ARE MEN OF GOD. So it's their fault that Trinity is dying? Trinity started in a saloon way back. She was a light in the middle of the darkness; and now her embers have been slowly taken away. The only Good thing that will happen if Trinity closes is Chad's Ministry will be done. He will no longer be able to lie to Churches ever again. Chad this is a personal Promise I make to you, where ever you might try to get a Job as a Pastor, people will be warned as to what you are , and who you really serve. You have led Destruction to three churches. Never again. Strange this is the third Church and Her Name is Trinity. You are gonna have to face God's Wrath. When God chooses for this to Happen Don't try to compare your self to Job. Job was a man who Love God even in the middle of the storm. He praised God , he didn't try to blame everyone else. He knew His Father of Love, and Peace was in Charge. For thoses of you who would Love to hear a real Man of God, La Belle Has a Great Pastor and he is a Man Of God who preaches the Word of God. There are some Great things in the works there at that Church. One thing is they are gonna move some where in Desoto County east of I55. Still Praising Him in this Storm, FSM.

Anonymous said...

Let him get mad it is the fault of all the PSC and deacons who have given him total power. He is like an evil emperor who dictates our lives and has even dictated the way we worship. What you don't understand is that Chad is like the Anti-Christ for TBC. We will all suffer under his rule.

Anonymous said...

I really like Bro. John M.'s post on the TBC blog. He says that "LOVE is an action word. Can we say we love the church and do nothing for the Bride of Christ". He is so right. How can the men in charge sit back on their blessed assurances and do nothing while record numbers of people are fleeing Trinity. Chad is the blame. I have never seen what is happening here happen anywhere else.

Now to Chad getting mad well he can yell at himself. He is ALL to blame. We have had pastors come and go in the past and people will sometimes come and go but never like this. HUNDREDS of people have left.

Tithe is down to $25,000.00 per week. Have any of these "Men of God" taken a pay cut? NO what they did was fire the two cleaning ladies. They fired two ladies up in years who will probably not find employment. This was really showing love. Chad ordered this move because of "Budget Shortfalls". No it is because he is so arrogant that he can't see the wrong in himself. That Chad is a sin! Now who will clean the church? Michele? We still have so many still on payroll in the nursery to sit in offices.

Someone better take action soon before it is too late and Chad MUST GO!

John said...

Dear anon 1:50 (since you didn't post your name)

Can you please name the two ladies who were fired?? Since you care so much for them, what are their names? You probably haven't taken 2 seconds to ever say hello to them. But just because they are no longer employed by the church, you want to use that as a way to bash Chad.

Anonymous said...

Dear John,
I did not post that post but I will say I do know one of their names was Mrs. Margaret. I did talk to both of them when I was there during the week. They both were always happy to help anytime I asked. I bought them gifts at several holidays nothing big but just something to say "Thanks". They are both up in years and really did not need this. It is a shame that while most all of our staff is paid very well no one even thought about how these ladies would make it. a slight cut in large incomes could have helped. We have secretaries in the office that I see just sitting around talking to each other. We have staff members who don't do much and sometimes are not even in the office. Nursery and children workers who we could cut back. Something could have been done to save their jobs. We have been saying for two years now that Chad is hiring too many people and that he needed to stop. We have staff who could have been doing more without hiring. Chad is the one to blame because he happens to be the one in charge and has boasted about him having the right to hire and fire. Also the Pastor search committee and also the personnel committee and finance committee. Chad has hand picked these people because they all say YES to his demands. Maybe all those people will pitch in and clean our bathrooms each week.

Anonymous said...

To John:

Their names are Miss Margaret and Miss Jimmie. Yes I have talked to them and yes they know me. They were always helpful and very nice. I did not need or look for a reason to bash Chad and he is the pastor and it is his word that made the decision and approval for their dismissal. He and others make way too much money for the people we now have attending Trinity and I hope he enjoys cleaning toilets because someone will have to and he makes the most without doing much for it so I vote for him to clean.

Thank you John did that clear up anything for you?

Anonymous said...

Please it did not make any difference if someone knew their names or what we need to look at the largest thing now missing from Trinity. It is HEART and LOVE. Bro. Chad still makes his large salary and all of the staff do. If the deacons are so weak that they will not stand up to Chad then they all need to leave. It is normal for people to come in and out but all we have had for two years are people leaving.

Anonymous said...

There is no way TBC will ever have heart and love back there is to much hard feelings here now. Chad and the deacons have made this a sad place to attend. There is no worship here and no one cares. I remember when A.C. Curtis did something that should have had him fired but the heart and love of committee members stopped it. Now we have a man who makes so much and sleeps well at night knowing that two older ladies are out of work and hurting. He is a major work of evil. Good night Chad sleep well.

Anonymous said...

I think in this day in time we have to look at what is going on here. We have lost so many members and have many who have just stopped coming to church all together. There is no way we can say that Chad was God's man for Trinity. If he were then we would have seen fruits of his ministry. There are none. It has just become a place full of people walking around on egg shells and hurt. If Chad was God's man for us then even if Bro. Jim came back people would have not flocked to him. They are going because they are hurt over what is happening here. They have tried going to Chad and going to deacons. Some of the ones who have left are deacons. They did what was right according to the Bible and what the received in return was HATE spewed for Chad. People better wise up quick because the only thing that Chad will make sure is paid is the electric bill and his pay check. Wake up QUICK before a fore closer sign is hung on the door.

Anonymous said...

I think it is sad that our church will not be cleaned and two sweet ladies are out of work. Could something have not been done. Could not a little money from each large salary been deducted and they not even realize it was gone so that these ladies could have stayed employed. I think that if Jesus was here making the decisions then it would have had a different conclusion. I also think that our staff is making way too much money and they need to be cut to go with the amount of tithe that Chad's sermons are bringing in.

Anonymous said...

If it is not Chad's fault then whose is it? There was a day when we were growing and now we are not. I think we are smaller than we were when we were on craft. This is heartbreaking and it really hurts those of us who have been here for years. We have seen us grow and seen God move. We have heard the word of God preached and seen so many salivations. All of that has just stopped. The younger people seem to think that Bro. Chad's sarcasm is "God's Word" it is not it is Bro. Chad's word.

What was it in the book "Experiencing God" find where God is moving and go there. We need to look back to when God was moving in Trinity and go back there. We do not need a "NEW WAY TO WORSHIP" Folks Jesus is Jesus and the way we have worshiped in the past was nor wrong. Just because Chad says it does not make it true. We need to find where God is working and join him and that is what many people have done by leaving. Because God is NOT working here anymore.

Shadow said...

Chad's ministry is toast. He is done and he knows it.

He know NO other Baptist church in America would take him and the messes he makes!

He know NO other Baptist church would compensate him the way Trinity now pays him. The man has a gravy job and he knows it.

The only way for Trinity to resolve this is for the membership to stop giving to this man and his cult lead disciples and turn off his mic....

But either way, Trinity, he is being exposed as the way other churches in the past have seen him. He has a hold on the leadership (just as he was trained ) and they will one day see what he and others like him are all about.

The truth never lies!

Anonymous said...

TO: 12:49

You said that so well!

Your "Jesus is Jesus" hits the nail on the head!

He has not changed...never has, never will...and we don't need some money-grubbing authors and preachers telling us there is a new way to salvation and to live the Christian life.

His Word tells us to believe on Him, to repent of our sins and receive the salvation that He died to give to ALL who believe on Him. Then we are to live changed lives as living sacrifices to Him...servants indwelt by His Holy Spirit.

I have wanted to ask this question for so here goes:

Why on earth does Chad spend most of his blog time and too much of his pulpit time hawking books by every Calvinist author walking when he has the authoritative, definitive, unchangeable, inerrant, infallible, Holy Bible that has every answer...complete with the interpretation that God intended...that he could point everyone toward??

We must remember that we know for sure that the inspiration came straight from God for the writings of Moses, David, all the Prophets, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, The Apostle Paul, James, Jude and all the others.....but do we know the source of the inspiration for the writings of Piper, Mahaney, Dever, Mohler, et al? Could MONEY have a little bit to do with the amount of their own opinions that they dish out in such volume? These are "for profit" folks...and if they weren't coming up with some "new ideas", and if the new age pastors weren't built-in publishing reps for them, they might not be selling so many books.

Just something to ponder.

Trinity is a sad shell of a once alive, growing, worshipping church. It seems like waiting Chad out is a lost cause. He was given too much power from the get-go and he is not going to relinquish that power until someone wises up, jerks that obscene hundred forty grand from his tightly squeezed fist and sends him back to Georgia for Daddy to strong arm another church into taking him.

Trinity is the loser in this entire scenario. Those who have left have sadly learned how damaged the reputation of Trinity has become. In visiting other churches, the very mention that you are coming FROM Trinity evokes looks of pity. You can give every reason you can think of that you are changing churches, but they know the real reason.

Another sad thing is...even if Chad left today, it would take years for Trinity to rebuild what he's torn down in two years!

What a legacy!

Anonymous said...

Thank you 5:09

That is true. I think that Chad also makes an income off the proceeds of the books he sells. Years ago we had a bookstore that sold good Christian books at cost. No profit and the reason for that was to get good books into our hands. Chad seems to think that he has to make money on everything he does. I think Jesus would have to overturn his tables if He would even want to re-enter Trinity. There is no spirit at Trinity now except a DARK one. Chad's days are coming to an end only because if the money keeps on like it is then he will make no more money. If they keep paying salaries and not paying the note on the building then the bank will close the doors. See anyway it happens we are doomed. Thanks to all the Good "Godly" men and women who have sat back and allowed it to happen.

Anonymous said...

I agree he seems to talk nice and inviting when it comes to selling his goods but screams when he is "Preaching" the word or at least his word. Chad is doing his best to turn Trinity into a Calvinist Church. It won't last much longer.

Anonymous said...

Chad seems to not understand that his scheme backfired. See they are NOT teaching Calvinism at the seminaries. This is a scheme thought up by the crazies who know they will not get good paying churches to even look at them. The sneak in like a Trogen Horse and invade from inside. Chad needs to understand that he has tried this three times and all times he has failed. He has abused people and destroyed the finances of all these churches as well. There is NO way that the way we were doing church and worshiping all those years was wrong. We had members, salivations. The only problem we had was space for Sunday School classes and for parking. We had hundreds of youth and more children. Now we have few. Chad LIED to get hired. He had this planned from the start and did not disclose it. His lies will close the doors of Trinity and Chad there will be a day of judgment and I would hate to be you.

A deacon told me this past week that Bro. Chad told them that all the people who have left were the ones who had needed to for years. The worse is over and now Trinity will start to grow. That is what he thinks, he still sees that he does NO wrong. The sad thing is that he is wrong. There are still many who are posed and ready to leave. Yesterday about 35 cars were counted leaving after S.S. and only 6 came in. Hummmmmm sounds like your growing alright.

I am just sick over this and so are so many others Chad you are almost finished and I can't wait for you to leave. I just hope your home does not get foreclosed on like Trinity will. I know we should not pay your note unless ours is paid first.

Anonymous said...

Several weeks ago someone posted that they were going to release something on Chad that would finally fix him. Please release it so that we can get rid of him!! I just hope it is something that the deacons can't ignore. Chad needs to go bad. Soon we can start having church in the chapel in stead of the 2800 seat worship center. Go back to GA. Chad and let daddy fix you up with a backwoods Hell Fire and Brimstone church that welcomes your cult.

Luke said...

Apparently the blogger has moved on. There has been no new post in 5 months. Why can't all the other people give up their attacks, and move on to help their new church grow. Or could it be that pleasing self is still their main goal in life. Praying that all this worldliness ends soon.

Anonymous said...


What blogger do you speak of?

and please explain your comment.

Anonymous said...

To Luke-Amen and Amen to your post. People can't continue to bash and for the most part curse the people and leadership and then say you love the Lord. If people are gonna stay at Trinity, then try to do something that bears the fruit of the spirit and help the body grow in Christ. If people have joined another church, why not put all the energy that seems to be spent on this blog into that body of believers? Thanks, Luke for your post.

Anonymous said...

Oh Luke: We have tried to grow the church and if you care to you can look back at her history and see where she has always grown. Trinity out grew the church in the first weeks she was open. Many people are still members and many have left. We were having 3 count them THREE services in the first months. We have grown and grown until NOW. Why? Chad that's why! We have had more people leave than will ever join as long as he is still here.

Deacons Chad may tell you the leaving is about over and all of those people were troublemakers who should have already left but that is another lie. There is still a large number who are just hoping and praying that you will wise up before it is to late. These people are making up most of the tithe still coming in. When they leave and it may be soon, so will Trinity.

Chad is a liar and a false prophet. The Bible warned us about them and we still welcomed him in to destroy and you know what? Chad did just that. He can't grow a church but he can sure close them.

Anonymous said...

Luke why don't you take him to your church and see what happens????? We are not trying to please our self but I can't see that God is happy over the treatment that Chad and his minions have done to His people. We all had such high hopes that Chad was the one God wanted here. After hearing from the Pastor Search Committee about how they ALL had RED FLAGS and that Chad talked his way into being hired. Also he lied to people when he told them that he told the PSC to talk to the owners of this blog and others to see why they felt the way they did. HE DID NOT!! The PSC said he never told them that. This is not about us or Jesus it is all about CHAD and when there is no one left it will still never be Chad's fault. He still thinks he is the second perfect man on the planet.

Anonymous said...

That is funny about Chad telling deacons that all the troublemakers are gone or need to be gone.

That is exactly the same thing his snakey daddy Mike in GA said to his deacons and church that he destroyed.

Trinity, we have a Like Father, Like Son reality show.

It only gets worse. Ask the former churches where these Pharisees hung out.

Mike had his church so bad, he the Seniors had to take up money just to pay for gas in the buses when they took trips. And this was supposed to have been budgeted.

The only thing Mike used in his budget was the salary part for him and three employees......

It does and will get worse - but hope is around the corner I hear!

Anonymous said...

Arround the corner has already happened at Trinity. Last year all the Sr. adult clases were asked to give a love offering on Gas for the Sr. adult trips at Trinity...Many of us did not go on these trips so we did not want to help on gas....

Anonymous said...

That's funny 7:35 A.M. SHOW ME CHAD'S FRUITS!!!!!! There are NONE! You want to talk about fruits well the only fruits that Trinity is producing right now are ROTTEN! Look back in history that has not always been the case. Please you and Chad go away and let us heal and grow once again.

Anonymous said...

A-Men to the last post Chad's has produced NO fruits.

Anonymous said...

It seems to be the same pattern. You want to keep pointing the finger at everyone and blame everyone but you continue to spew nothing to unite, only harsh negative words to tear down. Look at the past, I have read that over and over. The past is just that- it is the past. If you live in the past anything that changes is wrong in your mind. I am not a new member by the way-I am part of that past you continue to view as the glory days of Trinity. There were great moments in the past for sure. And there are great moments ahead because God is a God of hope and grace and promise of things to come. I am thankful I trust His word, not words on a blog and I trust Trinity unto Him. It is not one man that will break or build Trinity. in the past compare everything to what YOU want not to change or trust the the faithfulness hand and heart of God....hmmm I know what my choice is.

Anonymous said...

To the 7:51 post,
Yes Trinity has had some wonderful times in the past,and there were some very bad times. The ones who have been Faithful to God by being servants at Trinity have been leaving in droves. They have seen Chad for what he Truely is... A Calvanist. Their plan is to take over older Southern Baptist Church (who have little or no debt). They will say anything they can to get into Power and establish a power group of other Undercover Calvanist there at the church. They will Lie,insult,and do whatever they can to run off any body that they feel can cause them problems. Then after everyone has gone or sumitted to them , they can really start making all the changes they want. Start having Elders,the pastor having total power not answering to anyone, having everyone in small groups to start setting and changing the mind Group. Wise up. The Pastor is suppost to be Transparent, His deeds are suppost to be Christ-like. If you question Chad's Calvanism then Start by looking at the Books he suggest that people read. Are the authors Calvanist? Look at the Beliefs of Calvanism.Does this not seem like ya might have heard some of this in Chad's sermons? Why did Jesus Drive out the Money Changers at the Temple. Because they were making large profits off of selling their Goods at Church( maybe the Books Chad is selling). We have sold things like this before but it was at cost. Bro. Jim offered his Book that he Wrote Free. Chad is getting paid for anything He writes at Trinity(Sunday school). Chad has shown what he is . Some people are Blind to the fact that Pastors Are Human they Have a sinful Nature. They can fall and stumble Like everyone,Just because they were Called by God doesn't mean they cannot still commit sin. But they are suppost to not keep sinning over and over again in the same sin. Chad has Certainly done that. I am a Charter Member of Trinity and I have been there over 30 years.

Anonymous said...

If I hear the word Calvinist again, I think my head may explode. They are not Calvinist. They are Reformed Baptists. Investigate, and get your facts straight people. If you have been a "charter" member for thirty years, you have seen change in the church before.

Anonymous said...

What is a reformed Baptist?
Does this say we have to obey Chad
and not obey Christ my savior.
The bible telles me I am to serve him.

Watching You said...

Reformed Baptists are Baptists that hold to a Calvinistic Soteriology, and often adhere to the 1644 or 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith. They can trace their history through the early modern Particular Baptists of England.

Refomed Baptist

Anonymous said...

anon 12:35
"They" believe the Holy Bible is the indisputable word of the only true God. The only way to obtain salvation is through the grace of God. Jesus' death on the cross and His shed blood is the only thing that can save us from eternal damnation. Baptism is a profession of faith after salvation, and is only done by immersion. How does that differ from your beliefs ?

Anonymous said...

The difference in my beliefs is that I practice love along with those tenants.

Where is the love?

Anonymous said...

Reformed Baptist is nothing more than Calvinistic Baptist. They believe only that Jesus died only for a certain few.(Yes I looked it up ) It is still Calvinism. Something that most people at Trinity at one time were against.Something about John 3:16 For God so Loved the World that he gave his only Begotten Son,That WHO SO EVER Should believe in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. WHere does this say anything about the elect? It doesn't

Anonymous said...

I will tell you the difference I can't say what is in Chad's heart although he has no problem thinking he knows mine. He finds new ways to obtain salvation. He feels that He and his wonderful and most wise wife Michele have the ability to chose if we are really saved. They feel that you can't ask Christ in you must prove to them you are saved before your name will be added to the Lambs Book of Life. This is not Biblical. ALL WE HAVE TO DO IS ASK!!!! I do not have to prove anything to Chad. I answer to Christ not Chad. If what ever Chad claims to be is Calvinist or Reformed Baptist (Whatever) it is wrong. I believe in Christ and I only have to do what He tells me to do not Chad.

I will also say that look at the fruits of the church now we are sarcastic, rude, hateful and just mean what is Godly about that. I mean that on BOTH sides and thanks to Chad for all of that. I was always behind him until I saw him for what he really is. It is his fault and not anyone else s.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 2/9/22 9:29 AM. Like many, I am a heartbroken Trinity member of over 10 years. I see this site of a collection of hurting people who are posting interesting and intriguing questions about the leadership and message coming out of their beloved Trinity. I don’t believe this site is causing divisiveness as a majority of the postings are from people who have already left Trinity to find God’s calling elsewhere. This site isn’t to blame, but it was Chad decision that is causing divisiveness long before this site was ever developed. Simply put, he chose to follow the wrong JC. Chad’s decision to follow John Calvin is where a lot of this pain is coming from. This topic has been dividing the SBC for years, but when Chad and his group just happened to arrive in Southaven, they were greeted with an evangelical congregation that doesn’t like to be lied to and won’t accept anything less than the Greatest Commandment of love one another and the calling of the Great Commission to go share the Good News and make disciples of men. This has always been Trinity’s calling and they simply want a Sheppard who desires the same and will lead that movement with love and not lying or bullying the flock. If you truly believe that God is our heavenly Father, then how is a father expected to pick which child is loved and ‘elected’ to spend life in heaven with Him and the other child doomed to hell? It is impossible as a father to make that decision. God is about love and he loves us so much he made it so we won’t ever be faced with that decision. He sent His only son to die on the cross for EVERYBODY’S sins so ALL can come to Him through the love and blood of Jesus. Although born with a sinful heart, we were created in HIS image and ALL who are thirsty can chose to come to the fountain. If it’s already predestined for the 'elected', then why Calvary ... why the cross? I believe that God is love, has love for ALL, and His word is very clear in John 3:16, and Romans 10:13. What are they teaching at the place Chad got is doctorate degree? I believe Jesus paid too high a price for it to be part of a plan that picks and choose (elects) who should come.

I have great memories of those joyous days in the years past when many many families and individuals would walk forward in both Sunday services and Wednesday night service to meet Jesus as their Savior, join Trinity, or to rededicate their lives to walk with God. Those were incredible and awesome times of experiencing God and the spirit moving and working all around and through Trinity. I miss those glorious days. I continued to try to meet with my Lord and witness the spirit at Trinity. Sadly after much prayer and petitioning with God, I had to begin my search for His will for me and my family outside of Trinity. I still have many brothers and sisters who I love deeply at Trinity. If they can’t see or hear the reasons why so many have left and wish to stay, I will be praying for God to show Trinity His wisdom and knowledge in their walk. The direction of Chad and his group might be right for your spiritual growth, but I must leave it behind.

Anonymous said...

To stay was a choice made when we joined the church. The church is the bride of Christ, not the bride of Chad. We don't go to glorify Chad. We go to glorify God. The truly dedicated members have their own ministry within the church just like Chad and the staff. We just don't receive worldly compensation for it. Our compensation will be in Heaven. We do it to glorify God. Preachers come and go. Look at the Wall of Honor. Regardless of their calling, they still make their living doing it.
Our staff apparently does it quite well, because of their large homes and spouses who do not work. When everyone continues to leave, and when the incoming moneys will not cover the salaries, they will be in the same situation as the majority of their congregation. The church will still be standing, because it is God's church, not theirs.
As fas as the love, it has always been a self soothing emotion. Stop pouting, and get over yourself. Move on or come back. Just do whatever you do to glorify God. He is what it is all about.

Anonymous said...

Love is a self soothing emotion?

You need to read your Bible, "LOVE God with all your heart, mind, and soul, and LOVE others as yourself," says the 'self soothing' Creator of the Universe.

You are listening to chad too much when you start in with this load of bull about emotions not belonging in the conversation.

Anonymous said...

Any Christian will agree that God's love is unconditional. Your aspiration to obtain self gratifying love from Chad is of what I speak. These threads of "bull" reak with, "Chad don't love me". Get over it, and use your energy to serve the Lord. If you have that capability.

Watching You said...

You sure are a hateful cuss just like he is. Sounds like you drank the kool-aid, or are you actually one of the kool-aid cup fillers?

Nobody is seeking chad's love or affection. All anyone has ever said is that he shows none. My issue with this so called "pastor" is that he is the one giving Christ a bad name by doing what he does in the name of my Lord.

The Bible is pretty clear that they will know we are His because of our love for one another.

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