Sunday, June 12, 2011

chad a everson on Moving On

These guys are on the prowl folks, Trinity, do not just let them slither into another church to destroy. The third time is the trick, do what you must.

Search committees, continue to do your homework, do not simply believe this site or any other, call your potential pastor's previous churches, ask about the finances and the attendance, before, during, and after his departure. Do financial, legal, and criminal background checks. The Internet is not always the truth, but it can lead you to some solid sources. It is worth not rushing in, do not let some smooth talker worm his way in without you earnestly seeking out the truth about who the man really is. If he is truly God led, he will sit and wait on the Holy Spirit to lead and move. Faith is required, but God has given you the resources and the intelligence to NOT be stupid.

You search committees are not only there to seek out God's will, but also to protect the families He has put under your protection. Leaders in the church WILL be held to a higher standard, and that is not just the pastor. Are you listening, Sunday school teacher, deacon, youth worker, worship leader, children's worker, pastor search team, trustee? If you have been called to this role, then remember, you answer to the Almighty God, not man.

Be ware, wolves in sheep's clothing exist, just ask those in Byron, Starke, and now Southaven.


Anonymous said...

This is so bittersweet. We at Trinity want Chad, Michele, Jeff S. and Jon gone. The problem is we don't want to read about him doing the same thing to another church. If our deacons would man up and do their job and fire him then maybe Chad could not lie his way into another unsuspecting church. Chad is a Bully and they do not need him. I wish he would have been paid by membership who attend. Chad would be only making about $300.00 per week now.

Please if you are another church looking at him please remember we are not a bunch of crazies just out to hurt him. I am a member of Trinity and was glad Chad was voted in. That was until he went from Mr. Chad to preacher Hyde. He is a BULLY and a LIAR. He has even lied about his wife being sick just to keep his job. Please read over all this and know some things may have been posted by someone out to hurt Chad, but the rest was posted by people that Chad hurt.

Please beware he is so evil and Michele is just as bad. Please , please don't let him tell you that he has had another offer and that he knows it is your church that God wants him at. He will tell you that he will pass on even a larger church with more pay to come to your church. He used that on us and it was a LIE but it worked. The owner of this blog can put you in touch with both members and ex members of Trinity for you to talk to. Do your homework better that out search committee did. 2 of our committee that brought Chad here have left the church and the rest are hiding.

Beware of the "Evilsons"

Anonymous said...

This past week was the saddest VBS in Trinity history. Only about 200 kids came the first day and not much better by Friday. Maybe 300 total. If we did not have the teachers and worker kids there would have been few. Chad you have really helped us so much . Thanks and to you too Jeff. NOT!

Anonymous said...

There were over 300 kids each day.. Over 400 people including workers their children. Hope you feel good about lying and gossiping!

Anonymous said...

Nice to see chad's followers are back and active.

He really loves this site being active while he is looking for a new church to destroy.

Keep jumping the people here for lying, but you kool-aid drinkers better get the planks out of your own eyes first.

Anonymous said...

Thanks 1:57 but 300 in not much better, We used to have over 300 in preschool. I think the person said Monday there were only about 200 and that was confirmed so please watch out on calling people names. You are defending the biggest LIAR of all. CHAD!

Anonymous said...

I will have to stop and thank all the VBS workers last week. You came in and gave your all. You worked hard to teach and lead the children. You stepped up and did what you knew Christ wanted you to do and in no way was anyone trying to slight what you had done. VBS is hard work and you all deserve a hand of thanks. Just that the numbers were smaller than they have ever been and it is another reason for concern.

Anonymous said...

Just found out 3 of the 7 members of the PSC that screwed up and brought Chad here have left the church. Matt the head of the committee left a few weeks ago and Mrs. Avis has as well but the surprise was Greg M. He is a young 28-30 year old young married couple. He is one of the ones that Chad claims love him. Well he and his wife left many months ago, In his words Chad is a cult, He said that Chad fooled them all.

Now all you Chadites I am sure that there is a very logical reason that Chad can give for this, but the facts are he was ans is the wrong man for Trinity and has and is destroying her.


Anonymous said...

That is HUGE news about Greg! Uhhh by the way he taught our Sunday School class at Trinity last Sunday you liar! Bash if you want but please get your facts straight.

Anonymous said...

Careful with the name calling 12:08. it is a FACT that he did leave while he was still an active deacon non the less. he has since returned probably himself thinking things will soon get better. we are all just waiting to see just like the PSC and Deacons who all once thought this was the man to sheppard us. Still waiting .....

Peaches said...

It is a fact and confirmed by solid sources in GA that search committees are calling concerning Chad.

He has resume's flying.

He will be leaving Trinity as soon as Daddy gets him to South GA or within the vicinity.

Georgia is where all these Baptist deceivers go to continue the "passing the plate please" and to ride into that golden sunset.

It is only a matter of time.

Michelle sure has some great "lip service"

Anonymous said...

Greg did leave. I was at a party with him and his wife about 5 months ago and he was bashing Chad and said he would not leave. For whatever reason he did is his own. Stop calling people liars unless you know it is true. It will not be hard to find out who you are if you were in that class. Chad will be so happy to know you read this. I call Chad a LIAR because it is a fact! Wake up! You may be the biggest "I told you so" person when he does leave and Chad will leave.

Anonymous said...

Greg did leave I was surprised to see him back. I thought he was smarter.

Anonymous said...

Chad's newest blog is bashing a man who is bashing doctrine. Isn't that what Chad does everyday? I have heard him countless times saying things against Baptist and they way Trinity was before he arrived to save us from ourselves. Yes Chad you did succeed in saving us we have grown so much and are rolling in money. I am sure your secretary has loved you cutting her days to 3 per week. Why not anyone else? You took a small pay cut and still have plenty of money to go and take your family on vacations. Bubba was on one too. You told us to NOT take vacations and give more to the church. Why are you not leading by example? There is still a lot of fat that you can cut and you need to start with you and Michele.

Anonymous said...

I also like how he is degrading Small Groups. I believe there is more TRUTH of theology and the Word in some small groups than what you hear at Trinity on Sundays.

Anonymous said...

12:11 you are so right. What happened to " We need BFG's (Sunday School) to get to know people and to grow more in dept in the word". Greg Stringfield helped change the name (because they felt in was negative) and grow BFG's. The problem with them is Chad and Michele can't control all the classes the way he and she want to. They must be in control. The only way they can do this is to make one class that is run by them. He can't be in all classes and when she is she is texting Chad about what she does not like. They have taken over everything. There can be nothing unless it is a clone of them. If you have a different way of doing something then it is wrong. He hired Jon because he could control him and the choir. What is next? He bashes EVERYTHING. If it is not his way then it is wrong in Chad's eyes even if the person shows him scriptures and explains how God directed them. It must be Chad's way or no way.

He is a CULT!!

Anonymous said...

If Chad has a problem with Small Groups, he certainly wouldn't have fit in the early church, would he?

Most churches promote them, for obvious reasons. But, then again, most pastors aren't afraid of having their people close, unified and growing together in the Lord. Cult leaders want their folks isolated from each other and totally dependent on what the leader tells them!

By the way, knowing that you probably won't be allowed to express patriotism at Trinity on July 3, just wanted to pass along some uplifting information about the July 3 Patriotic Celebration at LVH.

"On that day we will be singing some of the great patriotic songs of our nation as we praise our Lord for the freedoms we enjoy. We will recite together the pledge of allegiance to our flag. Together, we will study God’s Word and look to Him as the Provider and Sustainer of life. On that special Sunday morning, I want to encourage you to dress in a Christ honoring patriotic way. Let’s bear witness to others that we are God fearing, Christ honoring believers who are proud to be Americans. We will have a great time together in the Lord."....

Now, that sounds like church leadership that knows that love for and loyalty to our country is a God-given blessing and we should praise Him for our freedom, inside our churches and outside. We are free to assemble and worship God, only through His blessings and the courage and sacrifice of all who have served this country and preserved our freedoms.

Let Chad muddle along in his self-centered rut and pick others apart while he's trying to create more C&M clones. Pitiful, pitiful!

Anonymous said...

Many churches celebrate to gift of a free country that the Lord God blessed us with. Chad seems to think it is meaningless to do this. We should be so grateful for this wonderful gift from God. We should also offer thanks for the men who gave their lives to allow this. Chad is just plain Stupid!

Anonymous said...

Chad will not go anywhere he makes more money than he ever has and even with his small pay cut. He has cut Jeribeth, his secretary 2 days a week and is just fine with this. He is so self centered that he only wants more. More of our money and less of our dignity. He has a few people who are just sold out to whatever he says and the rest are just hoping he leaves and soon.

If he really cares about the budget he would cut his pay more. He would give up his vacations in stead he takes two week vacations, Bubba just went to the beach and all the while they are telling us to cancel our plans and give them more. When will it end? When Chad leaves and we wake up that's when!

Anonymous said...

I was at Trinity for 4 and a half years and when I heard him preach the first time I knew it was the end. I started bringing ear plugs. He obviously got his style of preaching by modeling preachers that do revivals. His style is too intense for a weekly service. All of the shouting, guilt based sermons and repeating himself is hard to hear every week. He preached the same sermon for the first two months he was there. I couldn't believe he didn't get canned for that alone.

My wife sized him up very quickly a control freak, power hungry, manipulative, and a bully. He came and said that he would not change what was going on before he got there and proceeded to run off Rod and other staffers. He lied about several things not least of which had to do with him not being a Calvinist. The church was vibrant and growing before he was there, even with substitute pastors.

I don't know if anyone else remembers but when he got the "call" only %80 voted for him. In most situations the pastor will not accept the call unless %90 or more vote him in. Chad and his wife couldn't resist such a ridiculously large salary. He is everything that he preaches against. Also, the search committee only gave the church one candidate to chose from. Normally at least 3 candidates would be presented if I'm not mistaken.

I used to think people eventually got what they deserved (which is to get fired in his case) but I think he will probably just move on to the next church, probably making more money. No one has the guts to say anything to him. Very sad for the good (non paid) folks still there.

Anonymous said...

To 12:25 you hit it on the head. Chad has run off most of the backbone of Trinity, All that is left are the spineless ones who are so brainwashed that they would say yes to anything. Mostly out of fear of being called a troublemaker or worst LOST. Chad will leave and Trinity may never recover. The only thing I think you were mistaken about is in all my 50 years on this earth I have only ever seen a PSC introduce one man at a time. I have never seen a man come with 20% of the people saying No to them. And for the record the staff and deacons demanded and got a paper vote. That was because they did not want Chad knowing they voted NO. They knew what type of man he was and knew that he would get rid of anyone who did not vote for him. In Trinity history we never voted for a staff member on paper. This tells you something there. I personally talked to 5 deacons and 2 secretaries and 2 staff member who told me Chad was wrong for Trinity and after talking with him we really did not want him here. They were RIGHT!

Anonymous said...

I went to another church today and for the first time in 2 years felt like I was loved and wanted at church. I also found a renewed joy in salvation. Those refusing to leave Trinity and wishing Chad would leave, try leaving yourself it feels good. There is life away from Trinity and Chad.

Anonymous said...

Chad PLEASE???? What is your problem? Why would you post such stupid things like "Adult Baby" Oy My Goodness are you just sick to claim that God looks down on us as the same as this man who needs medical attention.

Deacons please stop this fool. He just keeps making us look more and more like idiots for keeping him here. Him and his wife need to be run off and quick!

Chad your just SICK!

Anonymous said...

RE: Holding to Truth Blog

Wow! My question is, WHAT???

That sick man is to be pitied and prayed for, not mocked and used as a drama tool for Chad to taunt all those he believes are spiritual babies!

Preacher, preach to thyself!

Where do you start? With Chad’s words, I guess…..

1) “I sincerely struggled with posting this – it is sick.”

He got that right….it is sick and he should have kept on struggling about posting it. He just showed his own sickness by posting it and mocking that person. It’s painfully obvious to sane people, that the guy in that clip is seriously SICK! Why even post it? It’s doubtful that one reader of his blog would otherwise have ever seen it. I certainly don’t search for material like that, do any of you?

2) “But, I can’t help but believe this is what our Father looks at each week in so many of the churches across America.”

What?? Nothing like that at my church…what’s his point? Is Chad trying to say that’s the way he and God see those who don’t agree with the “Chad Pastoring Method” and have fled from him, as well as those millions out there who have had faith and salvation all wrong until he arrived on the scene to correct them?

Promise you...when God saw that film, he knew that man (who has a soul by the way)is seriously mentally ill. Also, promise you God felt compassion. Where’s your’s Pastor?

3) “If this makes you nauseous, just stop it at any point…it won’t take you but a moment to get the picture.”

Didn’t get nauseous and it did take only a moment to get the picture…sick man in film, sick man posting!

4) “But don’t miss the statement toward the end – “you think you are the only one doing it…then you get on the computer and you realize there are all these other people that are doing it…you put away all your adult stuff and everything gets put on hold” – how he normalizes his sickness.”

Huh??? All mentally sick people “normalize” their sickness. All mentally sick people are comforted by thinking there are other “normal” (sick) people. And, hey, are we throwing rocks at computers just because sick people have access to them?

5) “The only thing I ask is pray that it doesn’t burn in your brain!"

The only thing that burned my brain is that blinding, bright light Chad just shined on how far he is willing to go to make his point that everyone except his “Followers” are sick, disgusting babies. That’s insulting to everyone, including dear, sweet babies.

Please, Chad, don’t you have more important things to do with your well-paid time than to post drivel like that? (Oh, forgot, M does that for you.)

Your stress is showing along with lots of other things.

Anonymous said...

Thank you 4:18 I was hoping that I was not the only person who saw the sickness of this blog. So far I have read very few of Chad's blogs that help me with my Christian walk. Chad or Michele have no clue what the real world is or what real Christians need. There is nothing that they have written in two and a half years that have any help or hope in today's world. Chad and Michele need to get a real job. They need to stop being paid with our hard earned money and then give us stupid things ti look at and to use in our daily life. Chad has so much time on his hands to spend time on YouTube and on FaceBook and he needs to be in prayer for what he is and has been doing to us and others. Until he repents for his sins and makes a mends with us and the other churches he has hurt he will NEVER be fruitful as a preacher.

Anonymous said...

I was told last night from a friend that the women's ministry is offering a new class on how to study the Bible. It sounded like a really good class. Then I found out the price $70.00. I asked the reason for such a high price normally we pay for the the boos and that is usually about $15.00 I was told the rest was for the churches fee. FOR WHAT? I asked rental of the room. What next?? Fees for nursery or maybe pay toilets. Chad will do anything to make more money for him and his princess bride who I might add is the head of Woman's Ministry. JOKE CHURCH! Chad will charge out the hiney for things that are good but still use the churches money for staff lunches.

Anonymous said...

Sorry but the price was $75.00 not $70.00. I did not want any of the Chad worshipers to call me a liar. I did hear this from 2 others and saw someone on face book promoting it. The price was there. Chad has no comment about this. Maybe he is to busy looking up more stupid things on You Tube.

Anonymous said...

Chad has nothing to do with the $75 class. And it is not just a $15 weekly Bible study.

The class is a Precept Upon Precept training (taught by a certified Precept instructor), as evidenced by this link: Precept Training

Precept training classes offered in other areas cost much more - for example, the fee for a day's training in Baton Rouge is $100.

The $75 fee covers all the materials plus the facilitators fee. Precept pays a small fee to use the building, mainly to pay for the set up and clean up of the room.

The class being offered on July 5 is called "How to Study Precept Upon Precept", which will teach the student how to inductively study God's Word and apply it to their lives. Perhaps you should attend! You might just learn something.

Anonymous said...

That is not how it is being advertised. It has been listed as a Bible Study on "How to study the Bible". So you can thank your people promoting it for the misinformation. It is that this is something that Michele can't teach? Her and Chad do not usually allow other outsiders into the inner most domain of their church. It is not God's anymore you sold it to Chad for $140,000.00 per year. He must being making a profit or it will be ugly.

Anonymous said...

so 12:14, what you are saying is they are lowering the prices to try to get people to come back to chads church? nice try but i prefer to stay away.

Anonymous said...

I so agree I would not go back for any reason. I have decided to break all ties with Trinity. I will not look here any longer. I have to stop and shake the dust from my shoes and move on. I only pray that the one remaining will be willing to help re-build when Chad leaves and he is going to leave. I will not look here or at the Trinity web site. I am so glad that the Lord opened my eyes and showed me what was happening. I only hope the rest of the membership does the same and that the ones who have and not left yet would. I am very heartbroken over having to do this but I know to continue my Christ Like walk I must. I am so glad that I can now visit other churches and do it without the fear of what the Trinity people think. I am secure in this decision and now I say Good Bye and Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

When will someone speak up???
Have you noticed the trend here? Now he has destroyed three churches. Three out of three. Pretty impressive record. But some of the people at Trinity say, "Hey, thats ok." But no, it's God house that he has destroyed, and you continue to believe his ramblings. As soon as he can leave, Trinity will be in the dust. Keep supporting him all you Chadites and you will see. May God have mercy on his soul. When will God say,"STOP SCATTERING MY SHEEP. THAT'S WHY I SAY "MAY GOD HAVE MERCY ON HIM"

Anonymous said...

While Chad stands in the pulpit raving and ranting and drawing an excessive amount of money, men and women are giving their lives for his freedom. But he does not honor the service men and women in yesterdays service. No celebration music and no recognotion of men that have served to make this country free. What a DISGRACE he is to Trinity and to this country.
You Chadaholics need to get rid of this man.

Anonymous said...

Put the DR back in for his job search. Do your homework, churches.


Anonymous said...

"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead men’s bones and everything unclean. In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.

Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You build tombs for the prophets and decorate the graves of the righteous. And you say, ‘If we had lived in the days of our forefathers, we would not have taken part with them in shedding the blood of the prophets.’ So you testify against yourselves that you are the descendants of those who murdered the prophets. Fill up, then, the measure of the sin of your forefathers!

You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to hell?" - Matthew 23:23-33

You cowards! If this man is evil then, for God's sake, confront him, challenge him, publicly rebuke him.

If he is simply disliked, then "shake the dust from your feet" and move on.

But what do you do? You hide and snipe at him from afar, gossiping like a bunch of pubescent schoolgirls accomplishing nothing but building up your own contempt and sinfulness.

If this man is evil, you'll answer to God for your inaction. If this man is good, you'll answer to God for your gossip.

Anonymous said...

Linkin Park wrote a song about these guys:

Are you lost in your lies?
Do you tell yourself I don't realize
Your crusade's a disguise?
Replaced freedom with fear
You trade money for lives
I'm aware of what you've done

I see pain, I see need
I see liars and fiends
Abuse power with greed
I had hope, I believed
But I'm beginning to think that I've been deceived

Thieves and hypocrites!
Thieves and hypocrites!
Thieves and hypocrites!