Friday, July 11, 2008

chad everson and church discipline

chad has been rebuked privately and publicly and members of the body are to withhold intimate fellowship through the process and procedure of group disapproval and social ostracism. Clearly, the offender knows that his action has dishonored the Lord and has caused a rupture in the harmony of the body. The goal has always been restoration.

2 Thess. 3:6, 14-15
6 But we command you, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, to keep away from any brother who lives an undisciplined life and not according to the tradition they received from us.
14 But if anyone does not obey our message through this letter, take note of him and do not associate closely with him, so that he may be ashamed.
15 Yet do not regard him as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother.

Unfortunately, here we are at the final stage. “If there is still no response in repentance and obedience, the church is to apply the procedures of excommunication as directed in Matthew 18:17 (If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church. If he refuses to listen to the church, treat him like a Gentile or a tax collector.)”

Fellow Brothers & Sisters, my prayer is that you will reach out to this man with the Gospel.


Anonymous said...

Don't you have anything better to do "BILLY!"

I guess this is just a Coincidence

Watching You said...

Keep guessing.

But yes, if you haven't heard, there are are millions of addresses just like that and like, and and
on and on....

Anonymous said...

Yes but you and your wife are the only ones in Starke(area) running a BLOG on a Google based server. Sometimes 2 and 2 does equal 4.

Anonymous said...

Oh,how many ministersexposed.blogspot? Or Madisonstreet.blogspot??? Your stupidity has caught you.

Hey Billy what happened at Northside? That was a bad preacher to huh? How about the last staff they didn't think much of you I hear how bout them they were bad also? Wow Billy you have had a lot of bad luck with Pastors huh? I'd turn against Church also.

Anonymous said...

So you will post Billy's Web Site, but not Doug's....Would that make you a Doug LOVER????Billy!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh hi there Billy.

First comment beat me to it.

Looks like I owe Doug an apology for assuming you were him.

Anonymous said...

Brent, You need to shut up and leave all your cheap shots to your buddies.
I see you often and have some real info for all the readers here if you want to start slinging mud. I have plenty of info to not only embarrass you, but your whole family - so keep dumping and I will start posting the dirt on you son.

Anonymous said...

I guess preachers everywhere now think they are GOD or can play GOD. Tossing members from a church is nothing but devilish and self serving and self righteous . I have never heard of such hatred coming from the pulpits and mouths of Baptist ministers. Mike Everson and Chad Everson and othes within the Baptist denomination seem to be very insecure people and are self reliant on human emotion rather that Godly guidance!

Let them reap what they have sown.

Anonymous said...

There's no dirt on me I assure you.

Watching You said...

This blog is about truth only, no mud slinging will be allowed, I assure you.

Watching You said...

Billy, Billy, Billy

You folks sure are obsessed with Billy.

I promise, you, he has asked for me to stop on a number of occasions, but the truth must roll on.

Anonymous said...

I was sent what you tried to post. You want to attack my wife and kids, let’s see if you have the balls to say it to my face you cowards, and by all means, bring your witness. My phone numbers have not changed and neither has my address.

Anonymous said...

This one is for Billy.

Who are you upset with? “Watching you” , and Doug and I am sure others are throwing ROCKS of hate at OUR church (remember you left). They hide behind the internet like cowards, because they say they are afraid of what we will do to them.

So we start throwing some rocks back at you guys, and look what happens.

You want to be upset with some one, be upset with the person running this BLOG.

That is if it is truly not yourself, which I still have a hard time believing!

I will continue to throw stones back at you guys, until you stop!

All in the name of truth, Sure it is, Here is some truth for you!!!

Anonymous said...

This one is for “Watching you”

So you are not “Billy” “Doug” or “Jason”

There are only a few more people left you know. Jeremy, Keith, Mark, Larry. ETC.

We know how easy it is to Create a blog and run a smear camping. So how many people do you want pissed off at you from your own side?

Your exodus and “Church Discipline” against Chad and MSBC has not worked. This BLOG will not work. It will only cause you and a lot of innocent people some sleep less nights.

I ask you to search you heart before you pray to God, if it is full with hate and bitterness, then that is the only thing you will find when you Pray for Direction.

I ask you personally, man to man, just shut it down, before more people get caught in the cross fire.

Anonymous said...

Forgot one, Andy!!!

Now that would take some nerve!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I wonder who this anonymous person who say he has washed his hands of all this is ----- hmmmmmmmmm

on his blog CONTACT email address
ministry.blogspot it says:

Nice Brent, Nice

Anonymous said...

Your the Moderator, It took you 7 hours to notice that one.

Did your wife help you with that one????

Really all you have to comment on is my spelling????

I expected more, from someone so "Solid in the Truth"

Anonymous said...

Looks like this and other blog did work -

They are all gone - except the PORN viewer

Soon to be done too, I hear.

The Internet, the Great Equalizer!