Wednesday, February 9, 2011

chad a everson on Moving On

Trinity members, there are only two options for you:

Leave and find a church that you can serve God in and let the wolves have it, or you can fire him. The latter means someone has to confront him head on. Who will say, "Here am I, Lord."

The Southern Baptist Convention is not going to, nor is able to help you either. Much of the SBC "leadership" has stood by an watched him destroy three different local church bodies. They have shown on more than one occasion that they do not care.

He will always have some sort of cult following. Just make sure that the people who follow him have the information they need to make an informed decision. If they still wish to follow him and believe his lies, then that is on them. They will answer to God just as we ALL WILL.

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.